8th Ed. 800 points vs. Skaven

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Hasnat, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    I played against Skaven today. Here is the approximate report:

    Army lists

    Warlock Engineer Level 2 with Doomrocket, 40 Clanrats and 20 Plague Monks with FC, and DOOMWheel, gutter runners

    Skink pirest with diadem and ring, two units of 20 Saurus with FC, 10 skimirshrs, and one salamander

    Deployment, from right to left, from my prospective:

    Doomwheel__Clanrats_Warpfire thrower___Plague Monks_______

    Salamander forward towards doomwheel, in positon to shoot at clanrats. Both Saurus forward. Skinks move into forest directly ahead. Magic phase, nothing interesting happens and I save 1 PD to use as DD next enemy turn. Salamander fails to hit clanrats. Skinks roll two 6s and take out warlock engineer. No combat.
    His turn. Plague Monks charge skinks who SS and kill none. Doomwheel forward towards Sal. No magic. Warpfire thrower shoots and kill 4 Saurus. Doomwhell zaps the Salamander but crew live. The Skinks are wiped out in combat and the PM overun 11”.
    RHS Saurus flank charge monks. Crew move into forest. Priest moves away from Doomwheel. Magic: thunderbolt takes two wounds off doomwheel but loses wound due to miscast. No shooting. Combat – Saurus win and overun 11” and kill plague monks unit.
    His gutter runners come on. His Doomwheel moves towards priest, and takes him out with zap. And warpfire throwers kills off six Saurus.
    My Saurus turn to face gutter runners. My other Saurus unit charges clanrats who hold. My skink crew run onto the left flank of the clanrats to avoid the doomwheel. Combat: both sides inflict two wounds. He wins by 1 and I hold.
    His turn. He charges the warpfire thrower into my Saurus flank. The doomwheel moves towards my Saurus but zaps a clanrat. The gutter runners moved out of Saurus charge range.
    We finished the game at this point as he had to go (though if you ask me, he didn’t want the clanrats to die and then lose the game – sneaky Skaven!).

    RESULT: 410 Lizardmen – 320 Skaven: DRAW

    Did I make any mistakes?
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Good report. I may have misunderstood your wording, but when the salamander dies, the crew is immediately removed as well. When the salamander is hit by an attack, after any (or no) armor save, a skink will take the wound on a 5+.

    Just wondering for clarification. Everything else looks good.
  3. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    In which case, 410-400.
  4. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    Any tips for next time?
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    If it is an escalation league, then you will have more points to work with. I would take additional chameleons. Their job would be to solely hunt any war machines (including the Doomwheel). You have to be carefull of it though. It does have random movement. It's rules dictate that he chose a direction, roll the dice and go that distance, if he hits a unit, it is counted as a charge. Just realize that you will be throwing that unit away.

    Another option would be to take a cheap unit of skink cohorts. Maybe about 24 or so with the purpose of tarpitting that machine. This would effectively take it out of the game.

    Let us know what is next for you (points wise) and we can maybe help with other suggestions.
  6. Hasnat
    Chameleon Skink

    Hasnat New Member

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    It's always 800 points, with characters total up to 200 points and minimum of 200 points core, plus normal selection rules.

    The problem I have with the Doomwheel in particular is that it can move in any direction - and I can't sneak around it or anything.

    I'm up against O&G next at 800 points, any ideas on how I should go about it? Btw, my list has to be all comers as these games are practice for a tournament.

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