Greetings my fellow scaley hided friends! I normally play 40k but my gamegroup is in leeds while I'm in manchester so I only get to play every few months or so. I've decided to start playing at my local store and couldn't resist the new lizardmen. Here is my first 800pt list. Skink chief lv2 Dispel scroll Beasts 20 saurus Spears Full command 10 skink cohort Javelins and shields 5 cold one cavalry 3 ripperdactyls 1 salamander Saurus give me a solid block with wyssans support, skinks as a road block and harassment, rippers to take out units of knights/war machines and flank chargers, cold ones for my own 2+ save unit and finally the salamander because I always played with matches as a kid! Any advice you could give is most welcome and if your in manchester and fancy a game just give me a shout.
I don't play many games at 800 points, but that looks like a fairly good start. I get the feeling Ripperdactyls will really shine in small games. The only thing you might need is another unit of skinks, either cohort or skirmishers, in order to bunker your skink priest. If he's out on his own, he will get shot up before he can get that key spell or two off. Otherwise you might just take a pass on magic, and replace him with a nice juicy Scar-Vet on Cold One to join your cav unit.
At lower points games I personally like a combat hero over magic. You can take a really hard hitting scar-vet which can both kill everything on the map while also tanking a quite a bit of damage. A stegadon is also a good choice but I think the CoC fills that role too. Do you know who you're playing against?