AoS 900 point army?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Wildkaiju, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Wildkaiju
    Jungle Swarm

    Wildkaiju New Member

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    Hey there,
    First time posting here, but recently I have started collecting Seraphon in order to start an army. My LGS runs a league for AoS, but the army size is capped at 900 points, and so far I've been struggling to plan out an army within that limit, so I figured I'd ask here.

    so far, the models I own are:
    - Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (240)
    -Saurus Warriors w/ clubs x10 (180)
    -Kroxigar x3 (160)
    -Hunters of Huanchi w/ dartpipes (130)
    -Hunters of Huanchi w/ bolas (80)
    -Terrawings (70)

    I was planning to run Kotal's Claw, but if there is a better option for the 900 point format, I'm open to changing it.
  2. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Hey welcome to the Jungle!

    Interesting points limit not sure why they would go for that over 1000 points but to each their own. It doesn't change a whole lot :D

    Go for what interests you most, pick what what you think is coolest and build around that idea. I love Koatl's Claw, thematically it's really cool to me. So most lists I make are around that.

    Nothing wrong with taking what you have right here but if you wanted to add something new I would drop the Terrawings and one of the Hunters of Huanchi. Having two HoH probably doesn't give you a whole lot of value at lower points games especially if they don't play battle tactics. Adding either Aggradon Lancers for fantastic damage output or a Astolith Barer to make your already durable army even more durable.
    You could also add a magic caster, either a Skink Starpriest or Starseer are both great options.
    If you really wanted to you could even add a Stegadon ;)

    There are lot's of options and you can't really go wrong :D
    Wildkaiju likes this.
  3. Wildkaiju
    Jungle Swarm

    Wildkaiju New Member

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    thanks for the advice!

    only issue is adding the Aggradons puts me at 850 points, and I need to have 3 battleline units.

    I need to ask why the weird points number, the old one was 750 points, which I was able to achieve, but 900 is such a wonky number
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  4. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    I really don't know why they have picked 900 points, a 1000 points is more of a standard game size.
    Also at 1000 points matched play you require 2 Battleline.
    Either way with Saurus Warriors are standard battleline but the other two Kroxigors and Aggradon Lancers are what you would call conditional battleline. You can find this in the Warhammer age of sigmar app at the bottom of a warscroll or online via Warhammer community Downloads under pitched profiles. This means if you take them as Koatl's Claw, Kroxigor would be battleline and with a Saurus General(The oldblood on Carno) the Agrradons will be battleline.
  5. Wildkaiju
    Jungle Swarm

    Wildkaiju New Member

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    Alright, I figured out how to get 900 points now I just need to decide between a Skink Starseer or an Astrolith Bearer, but I'm not sure which to go for.

    This is my list so far:
    Oldblood on Carno (240)
    Aggradon Lancers (190)
    Saurus Warriors (180)
    HoH w/dartpipes (130)
    and then either a Starseer or an Astrolith Bearer (160)
    jinjerJosh22 likes this.
  6. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    If I had to choose I would lean more towards a Starseer the standard spell Mystic shield is always nice to have and spell denial is also a plus. Then you consider the Skink spell lore, Heavenly Frenzy is great, giving one unit the ability to run and then charge in the same turn. When you combine this with the command trait Vengeful Defender which gives you a hero phase move for the General and up to two other Sarus units(Which includes Aggradons), you have the ability to get into your opponent in the first turn. Aggradons really enjoy it and can take a beating while doing some fantastic damage in the meantime. This with a Carnosaur just behind can be a scary prospect. In this situation you could even pop the Starseers once per game and give the Aggradons a 5+ ward, combined with a Mystic shield they are likely going to stick around.


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