7th Ed. A few noobish questions :D.

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by The Green One, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. The Green One
    Jungle Swarm

    The Green One New Member

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    First of all, im unsure of where to post this, i apologise if this is the wrong section of the forum.

    Now, on to my very noobish questions!

    1) Is it possible for rank and file troops to slide backwards? I've had debates about this before, and often my opponents concede and agree that they must rotate troops 180 degrees and move backwards. However, i would hate to continue using this rule if it is incorrect. Could anyone clarify this point for me?

    2) Can units only charge other units that are within the 90 degrees frontal arc at the start of the charge? The obvious problem here is when one unit is slightly out of 90 degrees to either side....often arousing arguments. I often also find i have a units of skinks right behind a block of rank and file...is the opponent allowed to charge them?

    3) Finnally, say a unit wants to wheel 3 inches, then move directly foward as fast as possible. It has a movement value of 4. Does it a) Wheel 3 inches and march 5 inches fowards (4*2=8, 8-3=5). Or does it b) Wheel 3 inches and march fowards 2 inches (4-3=1, 1*2=2).

    These points are all vital for me as i like to field skink hordes. I often get into tricky situations where the rulebook isn't clear so i would like to oppinion of some of you more experienced players :).

    Another point, kind of an add on to question 3 involves marching and wheeling. If i declare a march with my m4 saurus, but need to wheel to reach the target do i a) Wheel at the start subtracting from basic movement then marching (with a rather reduced movement!!!) or b) subtract the wheel value from my march total (8).

    I would be greatly indebted if anyone could clarify these points for me, as IMO the movement phase is crucial, and often where skilled players will outmanoveur worse players to win the game.

    Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read or answer my post!

  2. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    A unit takes 1/4 of their movement to do an 180 or 90 degree turn though they cannot march after doing so. So a saurus unit could turn around then move 3" (or move 2" then turn around again to their original facing)

    A unit can only charge what it has line of sight to. That's the end of it. Individual models and skirmishers who have 360 degree line of sight can of course charge in all directions.

    In my area it is commonly played the first way (wheel movement is subtracted from the 8" of total marching), though both could be argued to be RAW at first glance.
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Allowed myself to move your topic to the rule section :)

    To your questions:

    1) I don't have my rulebook here at the moment, but I think that you should "pivote" your unit at the spot around it's center.

    2) Yes, they has to have line of sight so, if we're not talking of skirimishers here, all units has a 90 degree arc of sight.It is enough that one of you rank and file troops see the enemy. If you move up at the enemys side, and completely out of line of sight, then your enemy cant charge you.

    3) I think of march move as units shelting their weapons and begin moveing. As of that you start the movement by announcing a march move and so, regardless of wheeling, your whole movement is considered a march and count towards marching movement and not regular movement.( answer a. and so b. of your alternatives)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is how I has played it.
  4. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    this is exactly how my group plays
  5. The Green One
    Jungle Swarm

    The Green One New Member

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    Awesome guys, thats everything clarified except point 1 (probably my fault for sidetracking).
    Question 1 rephrased:

    1) Say an enemy wants to move backwards to avoid my skinks shooting. Does he
    a) Turn 180 degrees using 1/4 movement then move foward


    b) Slide back his full movement?

    Thanks aparach for moving this btw, only just noticed the rules help section! :D My bad :(.
  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    You can't move in a direction you can't see the same way as you can't charge in a direction you can't see.

    Therefor yes, he would have to turn 180 degrees before moving.
    It is always the rank-and-file troops who lead the way.
  7. The Green One
    Jungle Swarm

    The Green One New Member

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    Awesome thanks, i think that may come in handy ;) .

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