I have been trying to find a price for the Tetto'Eko model on the Games Workshop website, but can't find it. I then went onto Ebay and couldn't find it there either. Was it one of those limited addition models? I can't even find a picture of it on Google! Why is it so evasive?
you are also not going to find Gor-rok or Mazumundi (altho there are a lot of conversions). ther was a realy old model of Onxiquil (SP the chamelion hero).
Yea, there are no official models for some of the characters. One day we'll get a second wave with a whole lot of goodness in it.
Ah. Ok. I just remember someone hacing him in their Army list, and assumed than ment there were models of him. Oh well.
I hope these pics work. My conversion for Tetto-Eko. The idea was stolen from many other forum posts. Dundaz Can't figure out why my pics don't work. Can anyone help?
probaly because you can't just link to pics that are on your hard drive, you have to upload them to photobuckeet or some othet place that lets you store store pictures and link from there.