What kind of armies actually utilize horde sized units? Given that you need a considerable amount of extra units to make sure your unit doesn't get decimated immeadiatly the horde sized units seem to require at least 40-50 guys to be somewhat reliable. Given that his is already quite a lot of units, how exactly would an army with them look like? If we take the sunclaw host with 3 horde units it'd already contain over a 100 units (and wounds) which seems rather large for what is essentially just a block of infantry without any support from cavalry, monsters or wizards.
Armies that really rely on numbers and have units with a low points cost, will field hordes. Skaven can easily play hordes, it's not rare to see Tomb Kings with a block of 30-40 skeleton warriors and another of 30 skeleton archers. For other armies, it's easier to see a single, buffed horde: Seraphon will field one large infantry block, the other units of saurus will be reduced to the minimum, acting more as meatshield and saving points to pick dinosaurs.
I think death and skaven are really the only one focusing on horde tactics, as the unit caps turned people to smaller more elite units. As it stands there are only 3 units that can have more than 40 in them. you could put 1200 points into saurus if you wanted for 3 large blocks of 40 warriors, but that wouldn't be worth it in my mind unless you have a 3500+ game going.
right, that's less bad than I expected, though still fairly expensive, both in terms of points & just sheer models. Ah well, I'l see how it turns out then.