8th Ed. About round templates spells

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Man0waR, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I've been reading the spanish rulebook and always had some troubles in the right interpretation of the rules. So I've come here for some guidance.

    Once you cast a round template spell, you allocate the small/big round template over the target point.

    - If the spell target a unit: Do you put the template on the middle of targeted unit, or you can put it elsewhere as long the center of the template is over said unit?

    - If the front arc of targeted unit is on max range so you could target that unit, can you put the template over any point of targeted unit even if its obviously out of range? Or you must place within range.

    - Whatever you target a unit or a chosen point of the battlefield, you place the template and scatter it XD6 inches as the spell says. In spanish rulebook only says to roll that distance, but it says nothing about the direction. I've used common sense and roll the scatter dice to see where the template finally ends.(the one with the bullseye, plz tell me how it is properly named in english). If no mention about the direction. Is it moved at the will of the casting player?

    - When aplying the spell effects. Are only the final position of the template affecting miniatures covered by it? or the spell will affect (from the starter point to the final position) all miniatures below the traveling template? Some spells (i think magic vortex) do the second. Could you clarify which spells shall aply the effects on the final position only or the whole template travel?

    Thank you.
  2. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Here are two FAQs that address most of your questions:

    Q: Do ranged direct damage spells that use a template have to target
    an enemy unit? (p31)
    A: Yes, the template must be placed over the target enemy unit.

    Q: When targeting a unit with a small or large round template,
    must the whole template be within the maximum range of the spell?
    A: No, the hole in the centre of the template must be within

    So, based on these FAQs:

    Q1 - No, the template does not have to go in the middle of the unit. The only requirement is that the hole is within range and over the target unit.

    Q2 - The hole must be within range.

    Q3 - The scatter die has regular scatter arrows and the "hit" mark. If you examine the "hit" closely, you will see a small arrow. If the spelll states to "scatter d6 inches" or similar wording, then any "hit" simply uses the small arrow as the direction indicator.

    Q4 - For direct damage spells, only the final position matters and then the template is removed. Vortexes affect every model from the start to finish but it gets a little complicated when they end over a unit so they added the following FAQ to clarify:

    Q: If a magical vortex ends its move over a unit it is placed 1" beyond the unit. If this is also over a unit should it be placed 1" beyond that unit, repeating the process until it is not touching any models? When this happens, I assume models between where the magical vortex ended its move and where the template is placed are not affected by the spell? (p36)
    A: Yes to both questions.

    Hope this clarifies things.
  3. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Thanks for the quick answers :)
  4. Demelain

    Demelain Member

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    This is incorrect.
    For you to use the little arrow on the hit marker it has to specify it in the text of the spell/ability, otherwise a hit is a hit and the template does not move as per big red rule book page 9, Scatter rule.
    This is the case with spells like pit of shades and other direct damage template spells as well as war machines.

    However when something tells you to find a "random direction" you do use the little arrow on the hit marker in stead of the hit.

    Hope this clears it up for you.

  5. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    @Demelain: Although I have never encountered your interpretation of scattering for spell templates, I can definitely see your point as page 9 does seem to apply. I guess it depends on how RAW one takes the " it then scatters d6" wording in spells such as pit of shades, flame storm & Tzeentch's firestorm. In my experience, this has always been taken as meaning it must scatter d6", even when a "hit" occurs. However, there is a strong case to be made for a hit being a hit as well based on page 9 as the start also includes spells with templates. Sure wish I would have picked this up all those times I was trying to take out hellcannons/Kairos, etc. and ended up scattering my pit of shades off target!!
  6. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    In spanish rulebook says the same. It scatters Xd6" but says nothing to roll the scatter die, making rules loose to any interpretation.

    It moves at the will of the caster? random direction?. You can defend both claims as the rules arent clear enough.

    So the remaining question is: What happen to a round template spell who roll a bullseye in the scatter die?
    Will it strike at the current position or scatter following the small arrrow direction?
  7. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Having reviewed the rules on page 9 again, I would have to agree with Demelain's interpretation that a bulls' eye result on the scatter die results in no scatter at all but a direct hit. This is based on two parts of the rules on page 9 and the spell wording as follows:

    1) Page 9 - under templates it indicates that some spells use templates and describes the various templates.

    2) page 9 - Under Scatter - the rules for how to "scatter" an object (including templates) are provided. In accordance with the rules on how to "scatter" something, a hit with the scatter die results in the object (in this case, a template) not moving.

    3) Wording for pit of shades, flame storm, Tzeentch's firestorm all include the directions to "scatter d6" ", which is identical to the wording for "scatter" rules on page 9. This being the case, one applies the "scatter" rules and a "hit" is just that, a hit and the template doesn't move and hits are resolved from its initial location.

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