So my question is this. If I play 2 units of Rippers and I place a blot toad in 2 different units. Does the closest unit of Rippers have to go into that one unit.? So if I destroy one unit with it does both Ripper units get the toad effect?
The rule for toad rage is not specific as to which ripper unit placed which toad in an enemy unit. Basically, a ripper unit gains toad rage (ripperdactyl gains D3+1 attacks from frenzy and re-roll to hit) if it is in combat with an enemy unit with a blot toad. (apparently only applies to the unit with blot toad, not attacks directed at another unit). Also, toad rage does not appear to stack (FAQ 1.8), so only one blot toad should be placed on a single enemy unit (which is sort of how the rule reads).
I don't have my book in front of me, but I think I disagree with olderplayer. The first part of the rule allows a unit to be marked with a Blot Toad. So if you have 2 units with this rule, then 2 Blot Toads would be placed on the battlefield. The second part of the rule imparts benefits to ripperdactyls attacking units marked with a Blot Toad. I believe that all ripperdactyl units would benefit from this second part of the rule on each unit targeted. I do agree that the benefit would not stack (so targeting 1 unit with 2+ Blot Toad markers is pointless). The rule as written is really screwy.
My opinion of this rule was that each toad can be put onto any unit. The rule doesn't specify on if both Ripper units would have to go into the closest unit that has the toad. Due to frenzy of the toad rage. So this can also work against us. If someone wants only one unit to be effected and deny the double assault. They can just move that unit up and hope it holds. But this also works in our favor. Say we destroy one unit with the toad and one remains. Both units of Rippers can now attack that unit that holds the toad. I never thought they could stack.
The language says " When fighting in cc against a unit with a blot toad market, the Ripper.'s Frenzy grants it D3+1 extra attacks,...., and the Ripper.s re-roll all failed To Hit rolls." -Both Ripper units could charge the same unit with one of the blot toads and the Rippers in both charging units would get the benefit assuming they complete the charge. -The Rippers do not have to specifically attempt to charge only a unit with a blot toad (closest or otherwise) if they either fail their frenzy check or if they choose to charge. The Ripper unit if it either has to charge or chooses to charge can choose to declare a charge on any enemy unit within range. -The frenzy check occurs because the Ripper has frenzy and is not specific as to what unit the Ripper must charge if it fails this check. -As I read the above language, it does appear that the D3+1 attacks and re-roll to hit ibeneift to th Rippers is a consequence of being in combat with a unit with a blot toad but the attacks do not specifically have to be directed at the unit with the blot toad and the re-roll to hit is not specific as to the unit the Ripper directs the attacks to as long as the Ripper unit is in combat (b2b) with a unit with a blot toad on it. So, for example, you charged a unit with a blot toad (and neither side broke and your Rippers did not lose frenzy by losing combat) and then a second enemy unit (with no blot toad) charged the Ripper models next turn, then one could allocate those extra frenzy attacks to that second enemy unit and Rippers would get to re-roll to hit. I may have addressed this last point incorrectly if that is what is meant by disagree. -The Rippers have frenzy (independant of toad rage). Toad rage just gives you D3 extra attacks and re-roll to hit with Ripper attacks (as long as the Ripper retains frenzy) when in combat with a unit with a blot toad.; the blot toad does niot trigger the Ripper's frenzy (they can't recover frenzy if they lost it by charging a unit with a blot toad)). -If the Ripper model loses frenzy, then it loses the toad rage benefits (+D3 attacks and re-roll to hit) because toad rage requires frenzy as a precondition. Is this right? Geez, talk about all the potential issues and misreading that can arise when one is playing and hasn't carefully thought about the Toad Rage rule before.
No exactly sure what you're asking here. Firstly you have to place the bloat toad on separate units, the rules say that a single bloat marker can be placed on a unit. Secondly there is no condition that forces you to charge the unit with the bloat marker. If the unit fails their frenzy check they can chose to charge any unit in their front arc that is in charge range. Finally the rules say nothing about a unit only benefiting from their own bloat toad marker. Any ripper unit gets the benefits form attacking any unit that has a bloat toad on it.