I'm about 1500 pts into my army and decided to make them more unique. So I'm going to make them african themed. I will use elephants as stegs, rhinos as basts, hippos as carneys, ect. I want to also use african looking weapons. I already got some tk bits but want something different like zulu shields. Any ideas on where to get some? Thanks!
Jashyr tried something similar. His Plog may help inspire you. In fact, he made a few Zulu-style shields.
Zulu style shields should be easy, and certainly give a African feel. The amaShoba (cow tails worn just below the knee) should be relatively easy to greenstuff and you could add something similar just below the spear tips. For bases i would go Savanna/desert themed to set them apart from the GW jungle style. Although there is quite a lot of jungle in Africa, i think most people will asociate savannah more with Africa than Jungles. I would also google for some really typical african snakes or lizards, for the basic look of the skinks/saurus. Black mamba and the yellowish Cape Cobra come to my mind. Had to google Tagelmusts.....but i think that will make the army theme more middle eastern in the perception of most people. However, it certainly would look cool on lizards, but then you should drop the zulu shield idea.
Go for it! It's a great theme and we could do with more Southland themes around the place I went looking for packs of Zulu shields and picked up one box of unmarried zulus and one box of married zulu models in plastic from Warlord Games. £20 each but with 40 shields per box, plus quite a few general weapons, ready made cowtail amaShoba and odd bits like headdresses that it was cheaper than just picking up packs of metal shields and much lighter. Plus if I ever feel like painting actual Zulus there's enough left in the boxes to do so. The unmarried Zulu box has more smaller later era shields suitable for skinks while the married Zulu box has more of the larger shields suitable for Saurus. Links: http://store.warlordgames.com/colle...nmarried-zulu-regiment-plastic-boxed-set-1879 http://store.warlordgames.com/colle...-married-zulu-regiment-plastic-boxed-set-1879 Good luck! We expect pictures