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Another spawning for the ranks

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kaper, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Kaper
    Jungle Swarm

    Kaper New Member

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    I've been out of the fantasy loop for about 4 or 5 years. Before that time I was very heavy into Empire, and now I figured I'd get back into the game with a whole new army to build and paint!

    Still not sure about a name for the army, but I have a colour theme decided on. Still working on the basing which hopefully works out ow I want it too.

    I'm looking for ways to improve my skills in the hobby, as well as get some hints and ideas when building my army. So here I am joining these forums in the hopes that I get the most out of my Lizardmen.

  2. Stegadeth
    Temple Guard

    Stegadeth New Member

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    Welcome to the ranks! We like converts over here. Lizardmen are a fantastic choice and I think most anyone can find an army suitable to their style of play based on how versatile they are as well.

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