Any Dystopian Wars fans out there? Because its new Epic-scale battle game looks awesome

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Sep 30, 2024 at 9:18 AM.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As with some of my previous threads delving into various more niche games that tickle my fancy, I thought I'd chat about Warcradle's Dystopian Wars universe with my fellow Lizards.

    Are any of you experienced Dystopian Wars gamers? I recall @Darnok @Neersh and @pendrake mentioning the game in the past, and was wondering if any others out there have any interest in it. Which faction(s) do you play if so?

    While I have heard of the Dystopian Wars universe in the past, for whatever reason though the ships looked cool, they weren't entirely inspiring for me (perhaps I'm just generally not into sea battles or something?) and for a good while I have largely ignored the setting, mistakenly I will admit because upon reading about it now I really like the look of it. The thing though that really rekindled my interest in the setting is the new 10mm Epic-Scale land battle wargame set in that universe, called Armoured Clash:

    And yes, it was the image of Steampunk British Empire troops with Mortal Engines-style traction-constructs alongside WW1 tanks that really hooked me. Absolutely gorgeous. You can tell which faction I'd be playing if I were to get into this game.

    The first sets have been released for the British, i.e. the Crown (*Land of Hope and Glory intensifies*):[​IMG]

    And the Orientals, AKA the Empire, who seem to be playing Skaven with Jezzails and Doomwheels aplenty with a dash of Ork Deff Rollas:

    Gameplay seems to be a mix of rank-and-flank and sci-fi, with units of models on their square Epic 40K-style bases being organised into formed units, and vehicles rumbling forward in looser squadrons.

    The thing that has really impressed me about this game is that Warcradle have really thought everything through - they've provided a variety of ways to get started (including the Battlegroup big sets shown above, a 2-player starter set and some smaller cheaper introductory sets that still have a lot of stuff in them), and a no-nonsense army-building system that puts a stop to players spamming specific units or bringing the massive landships or huge full-strength units into smaller-scale games where they would be especially difficult to beat. Plus, they have an organised roadmap for the next year, which will see all factions released and aircraft introduced into the game:

    The only thing that worries me is how detailed the models are... which is great to look at them as bare plastic, but is a concerning issue for someone like me who is easily driven mad by painting :p.

    Otherwise though this looks fantastic, and sorely tempting. Any views from other Dystopian Wars fans here?

    Find out more about it here: and here:
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2024 at 11:39 AM

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