Hey all theres a fantasy tournament coming, and still haven't gotten my codex in mail n other models, but their coming lol. But How are the Razordons, compared to Salamanders, don't know which pack to take for my rare choice. Any and all Feed back would be great! Thanks
They cost the same so it realy comes down to what kind of ranged attacks you're seeking. Hasn't tried either of em yet, but it seems to me that the Razordons are a bit more defence oriented but at the same time more unpredictable concerning miscast... The sallyes are better vs big units of armored troops and would reduce a Knight of Chaos armor to a 4+, but they're not like the old 6th edition at all as they now use a template to fry their food, so you would probably like to pick what goes best with the rest of your amry/ your opposing army.
I took out 15 Dwarf warriors today with 1 Salamanders.You have to get in close about 15 inches.That was in one turn.
I tried Razors in groups of three then went down to one and now do not take them at all. They never did anything. My Salamanders have devastated entire units of 20 Tomb Guard and 25 Storm Vermin in just two turns. Clan Rats and Slaves just run away. Black Guard went from 15 to 7 just today in one turn. I wiped out a unit of 5 Cold One riders in one turn. And even dwarves and White Lions have paniced. I'm taking 2 groups of 2 Sallys in a 2000pt list from now on.
I used them in two instances. I used the first batch to fight off marauder horsemen, where they did adequately. I used the second in a warbands campaign as a garrison unit, and successfully shot up a minotaur. I am fairly underwhelmed by their capacity to throw crossbow bolts at things.
i guess the razordons are not as good as the salamanders because they don't eat armour like them but i still gotta try them out
I recently tried them in a game and I liked what they did. My opponent was dubious about charging them, which allowed me to shoot and destroy a unit of dark riders with them. In combat, I charged a 10 man strong unit of Cold One Knights in their flank. They held the COK up for about three turns and managed to kill three. I think I made a mistake by charging with them though, I should have kept them lurking on his flank and forced him to charge the razordons.
I've used razordons only once and it was against the empire. I had 3 of them in one unit. They used the cover of a forest to close up and then they ran into a small lake. They were charged by 6 imperial knights; stand&shoot (6 artillery dices of S4 hits!!) killed one knight (bad luck). The enemy caused one wound and i hit back, killing one knight. So i won by one with overpower, cause the wounds went even. Four knights (US8) vs three razordons (US9)...Losing to an overpowering, fear-causing enemy, auto-flee. Then the beasts fired at a great sword unit and killed 7 of them, they fled. Later on they got to shoot twise on a knight unit and once on an handgunners unit. They managed well, stayed alive and held the enemy at their position (in terror of the 6 artillery dices of S4 hits). They are more verstile than salamanders and much more fun...I like them, you should too.
I think one of the things that really might prevent me from taking salamanders is the darn template! It slows the game down a good bit and I can't imagine doing three of them for one unit. However, based on what people are reporting, they seem to be a good deal more effective than the razordons when game-time rolls around. Plus lizardmen already have lots of projectile attacks. Sure, they're strength 3 but they're also poisoned. Str 4 offers basically the same thing, and isn't different enough to justify taking those guys. Sure they're great against fast cav, but so are blowpipes. Skirmisher skinks can get the job done just as well, as can dropped rocks and terradon fire, as well as the giant blowpipes. The only reason to take these instead is to protect your flank from charges. I suppose these might work better as flank defenders of a fast moving force. Salamanders bring to the table the flame template and armor piercing goodness. They are basically slightly less powerful versions of the stone thrower except they are mobile and much more reliable (and you can have 3 to a group). They help bust up those static CR armored blocks that tend to give our powerful strikers trouble. A question to salamander users... do you determine the total number of hits first, placing the template for all 3 salamanders before any casualties are removed? Or do you fire one, remove casualties and clean the unit up, then place the next template?
Nope you do all shooting and all wounds on the unit at the same time, 3 salamanders all shoot. (hopefully with potent of far on them to reroll all the pesky 1's) Count up your full hits and roll your 4+ partials (hopefully rerolling the 1's) Take your total hits and roll to wound and remember the -3 to the enemies armor save.
you resolve them all individually resolving one completely before moving to the next the one thing i'm uncertain of is whether or not you can aim at different units since you resolve a blast completely before going to the next one
ind, it is even said in the salamanders rules that you first resovle the first shots, ie firing, hitting, wounding, casualties, before going to the next. this means you cant get double hits on the same unit. degrading the unit with everyshot meaning every shot after that is mostly to hit less models. you have to aim all at the same unit, but if one fires over the unit and hits some other unit it wasnt aiming for. well bad or good luck. you hit them. just like a cannon ball.
Blackhawk, yea I had some good luck, but my enemy took a great risk with that charge, leaving his flank unprotected. And no: we didn't forget his BSB aided insane courage It's quite risky to use razordons against heavy cavalry, but I was ready to sacrifice them for the greater good. It was either he charges with the knights or gets his great swords pumped up with needles (and by failing the attack, he lost both and alot more, but that was due to bad luck or was it...come to think about it, 3 razordons against 5 knights is quite fair).
lol well yeah 3 razordons are 225 points so point wise it should be defiantly fair. but if you look at what they do its not. knights are made for combat, salamander are made for shooting. and they are good at their function. razordons are able to slaughter whole units of infantry with one go, and knights for 200 points do so too ( really now with all those high S or Mass A knights) but ok empire knights are one of the most weakest knigths around now so . and still don't trust on razordons winning combats. just hope you can kill some with your S5 before ripped apart at my last tournament my razordons reall sucked in the first 2 battles. getting charged by grave guard with 4+ ward. and in the second battle by black knights and zombies ( shot 3 zombies). but third battle they massacred everything they shot at. killing 4 realm knights and making them panic of the table ( incl his bsb) and later killing 2 units of peasants ( becouse there where no knigths to shot at that moment )
I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that salamanders are probably a better choice if you want to shoot your enemies to shreds, but razordons really give you a great flank guard or charge catcher AND i really can't say I know a better frenzy-killer-unit (blood knights SUFFER!).