At the last minute I changed my 2nd round Ard Boyz list. I woke up at 5am and had this idea, I built a 10 story tower and stuffed it full of Skinks and a couple of Slanns. Here was my list: Slann (Life) Rumination Becalming Cognition Folding Fortress Slann (Shadow) Becalming Cognition Cupped Hands Skink Priest Dispel Scroll Skink Priest Cube of Darkness Skink Priest Obsidian lode stone (3 MR) Skink Chief Dager of Sotek Light Armour and Shield Skink Chief BSB Flaming Banner Light Amour and Shield 146 Skinks w/Command and javs Steg Steg A. Steg A. Steg Strengths of the Skink tower: Skinks in side have javs, and a Flame Banner on the BSB, Javs can always stand and fire and Flaming Attacks. Skinks inside steadfast 9 with the Slanns, and at max can only lose 10 Skinks per combat round because of the building assault rules. Also in the building assault rules if a unit fails to break the unit in the tower the charging unit moves back 1 inch and has to wait till next turn to charge again taking another round of 50 poison/flaming javs. And during the other players turn takes another round of 50 poison/flaming javs. Weakness of the tower: Will 90% of the time never claim enough victory points for a Massacre, meaning no good for a tourny. All eggs in 1 basket, a lucky Dwellers, Plague or similar spell could rip though the tower. Bell will level it, and that is exactly what happened. It worked brilliantly the 1st round against another Liz army. My opponent did exactly what I wanted him to do which was charge the tower. Stegs worked the other stuff on the ground. Minor Victory. 2nd round Dark Elf player, unfortunately someone from my local, and someone who I shared a car ride with, and who had heard me talking about the weakness of the tower knew how to fight against it, stayed 24” out and just shot up my Stegs. Pulled a draw. 3rd round Win for Skaven. They were the only army I was really worried about. Turn 3 he rang the bell and my tower crumbled, killing both Slann and 47 skinks. It was a tight battle all the way I do have to say he was a little shady, his dice were hard to read unless you were right on top of them and there were a few things he told me that I later found out were not true, like you can’t stomp a unit with a Furnace or a Bell because it is a mixed unit and that is simply not true, but he is a Skaven player and if you are not cheating you are not playing Skaven correctly. He still would have won but it would not have been a major victory. Oh well, I donated the tower to my local for the terrain wall, so I will get to try it again sometime.
Sorry I do not understand the question? If you are asking if the Slanns can still cast if the Skinks in the unit he has joined shoot? Then the answer is "yes they can". Otherwise I need more clarification on your question please.
Dwellerz should be extremely lucky, since it's "only" 24" and you get 6s away. Good to have cube and scroll.