8th Ed. 'Ard Boyz Scenarios...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Viarca, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Viarca

    Viarca New Member

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    For those of you who haven't seen them yet, they are available at the link below:


    The third one has the potential to be especially brutal (and not just for Lizardmen). I had the lightning strike turn 2 and take out almost 500 points of my army (4 Salamanders as single units with an extra handler and both of my Chameleon units... not to mention nice-sized chunks of my blocks). Because of that alone, I am considering combining at least two of the Salamanders into a single unit for a little protection against it. The half movement roll (which I didn't see with my Lizardmen, but had to endure twice with my WoC) was terrible as well and really slowed the game down.

    The first and second scenarios actually seem pretty good for the army. A lot of people have drastically cut back on their shooting because of scenario 1 (and some of the rolls in scenario 3), and scenario 2 is great for a big block of Saurus (though it does make even weak things seem a lot more powerful, so you have to really look out for whatever unit your opponent gave the thing to).

    Is there anything the rest of you have found works particularly well (or poorly) for your Lizardmen? Any thoughts on the scenarios themselves?

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