8th Ed. Armour saves on chariots

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by NexS1, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Hi Guys,
    I had a couple of small friendly games last night with a mate of mine who took lots of chariots, and ended up with his general on a chariot.

    Now I've scoured the 8th ed rulebook and erratas to find some clarification on rules for characters' armour saves on a chariot and could only find that chariots have a fixed armour save (which takes into consideration armour, sturdiness and mount/barding, etc). Further, the rules for characters states that a character on a chariot then counts as unit type 'chariot'.
    According to the info I find, that means he gets the chariot's fixed armour save regardless of the armour you buy for your character.

    In the old rules, I believe they made it that chariots give +1 to armour saves, but there's nothing like that in the current rules.

    Has anyone come across any supported answers for this?
  2. Dyvim Tvar

    Dyvim Tvar New Member

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    Just because the character assumes the unit type of the mount, it does not mean the character also assumes the armor save of the mount. These are two different things, so changing unit type does not also mean changing armor save. Characters also get to be a Monster if they are mounted on a Monster, but that does not mean they lose the benefit of their armor.
  3. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Correct, but I can't find it written anywhere that says exactly how the armour stacks. The rules are written for monster stating you get +1,, but not for the chariot.
    My mate and I agreed that it's acceptable to add +1 to armour save for being on a chariot as a general rule of thumb, but I can't find it written anywhere which is why I asked in the first place.
    I'm looking for the official wordings if you know them.

    EDIT: Hold up, in my lack-of-coffee state, I wrongly read the statement in the book haha.

    Disregard my insufficient reading skills.
  4. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The answer is available, albeit indirectly, in the BRB on page 105 as already alluded to. As per the 2nd para of chariot mount rules, a chariot mount follows all the rules for monster mounts except monster reaction tests if the character is slain. Under ridden monsters, it indicates that a character counts their armour save as 1 better than normal. Since chariots follow the same rules, a character on a chariot improves their armour save by 1 as well.
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I appreciate it.

    Just rub it in lol
    I reread the paragraph before and found it. I was an idiot and didn't read properly.... Sigh...

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