Hello, I am a recent convert to Warhammer Fantasy Battles -- Have been playing Warhammer 40K for the passed five or so years -- and have decided to play Lizardmen. This forum was recommended to me by an associate of mine as a definitive source for Lizardmen advice. Because I am so new to the game system -- and the army -- I was wondering if any of you gentlemen had any list-building advice for me. At the moment, I have the battalion box, a Saurus Hero on Cold One, a box of Saurus Cavalry and a box of Temple Guard. I do not wish to spend any more money on my army until I get the feel of the Lizardmen and their play style. With that restriction in mind, what sort of list do you guys recommend? I would also like a list that is noob-friendly; something that will allow me to acclimate myself to the different rule system for Warhammer Fantasy. Thanks in advance
i bought the battalion to start to i recomend you equip saurus with spears to make a block of 20 put all of the temple gaurd together as the main unit of the army use the skinks as skirmishers to protect the flank and on the other side have 2 units of saurus cav w the hero and some magic weapons to realy cause havoc i like the scimitar of the sun the xtra ataks are useful you should buy a steg asap it has loads of options and contains 2 charactors good luk geko
Thanks for the advice; I really appreciate the help. A couple of additional questions: - What weapons ought I to give the skinks? - What ought to be my next purchase for my army? The stegadon or a Slann? Or perhaps something else?
eqip your skinks with blow pipes and I think you should worry about the slann before getting a stegadon Geko
- Blowpipes, to use them as Skirmishers. Skinks don't work well as Javelin/Shield units (they're more useless than goblins) and require Kroxigors to be anything more than cannon fodder (and even then their use is debatable) - I'd recommend the Stegadon first, as you need a 2000pt army before you can include a Mage Priest. Being new to WFB, learning how to use magic with a Slann and a new (also fairly large for a beginner) army is jumping right in the deep end. Start with a Skink Priest or two and get the feeling for magic in under-2000pt games before bringing out the frog.
Hmmm yes you have a point also if you only currently have the battalion set you will need another unit as a core choice if you plan to get a 2000 point army Geko
I was kind of thinking of holding back on the Slann, owing to my newness to WHFB. After observing a couple of games, I have concluded that the magic phase is much more complex than Warhammer 40K's rules for psychic powers. Are there armies that the Lizardmen struggle against, E.G. because of rules inherent to those armies? What about armies that they excelle against?
in 40k psychic powers area ranged weapon that works on a scucessfull Ld test, in fantasy the magic phase its a whole phase that must be controlled so you get off what spells you want and confuse your opponent. when a slann is on teh table, the magic phase is the strongest LM phase and needs to be done right because if that fails, due to the cost of the slann alone, the rest of the army will be weaker.
it realy helps to understand the magic phase by reading thruogh the section in the army list a couple of times, if that dosent help jjust get a skink priest (the one in the stegadon box is great cos it comes witha stegadon, priest and chief) and equip him with dispell srolls to deny the enemy of there magic phaise. Lizardmen in general are an expesive but elite army its weaknesses are in my opinion the lack of long range artillery and itts strenths are powerful troops and heros with skinks herasing the enemy i dont know particular armys that they are stong or weak against because i have only played up against O&G but i have won about 70% of our matches good luk Geko
What I've find confusing (and hard to keep track of at first) about the Magic Phase is the distributing of power and dispel dice, and the various pools and piles that they all end up in. Simplicity is the key to learning it - take a 500pt battle with a single Level 1 magic user on each side and go through each magic phase slowly, one step at a time.