ok guys so i won my local tournament against 13 others all the way back in april having some really lucky games against woc and empire but ive revised my list for the comming up tournament this month but i havent played in a while can anyone help me out? so far i have : core 20x saurus w spears and fc 20x saurus w spears and fc lords slann with mystery harmonic becalming and the channeling staff special 10 temple guard (i usually do more but over the past month ive noticed at our locals people seem to not bother shooting the slanns unit as i usually keep it out of their range even war machines usually target something else or get eaten) 10x chameleon skinks (warmachine sabotuers in the last tournament my most hated by all unit as warmachines (apart from entrenched ones) where my prey) 10 x chameleon skinks 9x kroxigor + ancient heroes skink priest + level 2 (more of a channeling aid for my slann but gives me some diversity usually i will take wyssans wilform and beasts) rare 4x salamanders with this list my tactic was going to be to have my saurus advance upon the enemy creating a meatshield front block but to let the enemy have the first turn and move closer then when they had marched/moved towards me normal move my salamanders and use walk between worlds with a pivot move to get them at the side of the enemies units and burn the **** out of them then have chamos harrass warmachines and shooting units from behind and keep advancing the saurus in my second turn walk between worlds again putting the kroxigor facing sideways to theyre units preferably a great weapon unit altho it doesnt really matter there are then 2 scenarios: 1. they turn towards my kroxigor percieving them as the bigger threat in which case i will dance around them until my saurus hit them or simply charge them in if they have great weapons and 2. they charge my saurus thus allowing my kroxigor to hit them and cut them down with relative ease also my choice of kroxigor is partly due to the empire player in our locals using a very heavy cavalry army that takes a huge amount of effort to even beat mildly what do you think guys comments are welcome
I quite like your list. Here is what I would do differently (not saying that you should change it but just to give you some ideas) Drop the temple guard and put the slann in a skirmisher unit and run then behind the saurus for extra protection (I make him BSB with banner of swiftness for ld rerolls on your units and extra mobility for your Slann). If you are playing against very heavy cavalry swap out 1 of your spells for a lore of metal spell). If you only use the priest for channeling consider dropping a wizard lvl and giving him a dispel scroll if you expect heavy magic from your opponent. Replace the kroxigors with CoR and 1 or 2 saurus characters on cold one (old blood(s) or scarvets depending on if you're playing with the end times rules). These guys are also very mobile and give a LOS for your characters that hit as hard as kroxigor but are more survivable (and have swiftstride). Try to free up some points to increase the unit size of the saurus to 25 if you can. (Salamanders are awesome but 4 is quite a lot in 2000pts) Hope this helps Cheers!
When I built your list I got 2185 points? Bloody love the 9 krox unit. the dmg output of that unit is crazy awesome. Slann, BSB channel combo, focus Priest lvl2 (or lvl1 with scroll) 21 saurus FC 21 saurus FC 10 camos 10 camos 9 krox w/ancient 3 Sallies 1999 points I would prob drop one unit of camos and go 2x5. Then use the points to get myself scarvet CO GW armour of destiny. have to drop the saurus back to 20 each. But that scarvet does more then a little bit of work.