So I have a friend that purchased a new beastmen army and wants to try them out against my lizards. Not sure what he is running, but it will likely be a 2000 point game. I've never faced them before, what should I expect?
Thanks guys. So I've been looking into them a bit. Seems like they struggle with armor saves. Doesn't seem like they have much. That plus low leadership... Well, aside from lots of monsters, I'm trying to see where their strengths lie. Is the hatred that good? How would a block of sarus hold up against them?
Saurus holds up very well against the S3 guys. I think a common horde is a horde with a +1S banner on a BSB, though. That block is NOT a good matchup for the saurus. Salamanders and skinks are THE choice. 2x2 sallies against their blocks are great. And skinks against the chariots and monsters. Or anything fast-moving, like cowboys or rippers, that deny the chariots the impact hits. Watch out for the doom-bull with an armour that grants extra attacks with each successful save + dawnstone.
I second this! One I faced had S8 with Ogre Blade, +1 AS and re-roll, each successful save gives one additional attack. Sliced through my CoC-unit with two scar-vets. Think he got 5 wounds so it's not like you can sneak two or three trough to kill him Searing Doom will though! /Sebbs