7th Ed. Beginning a new Lizard army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by strewart, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well, I have been tempted to the lizardmen by the cool new models. I have the old army book, which I've flicked through, but don't really know what I want yet. All I know is I really like the new stegadons, and want at least one, maybe two in an army. Here is what I have ordered so far:

    Scar Vet, new steg, army book, new batallion, 2 kroxigors, temple guard

    This will give me a hero choice, bit of core with the unit of saurus and some skinks, a solid unit of temple guard, and some knights. I am also about to order a carnosaur. Would you consider it cheesy having 2 stegadons and a carnosaur in the same army?

    I'm just looking to get a bit of an overview of what is good and what isn't. and what I should buy as a new player, maybe a few helpful links. I would like to get a bit of magic in there since most of mine are very magic light, but I realise I can't really get a carnosaur and strong magic in the same army since I couldn't have a Slann. I am thinking as a base carnosaur, 2-3 units of saurus, 20 temple guard, a unit of 3 kroxigors and 1 or 2 stegadons. No idea where that might lie pointswise, is it a decent base for an army?
  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Well if you're talking in the new edition, I won't be surprised to see at least 4, maybe 5 Stegadons trampling down the field. Cheesy is if you take 10, which is hilariously possible in a 2,000 point list.
  3. no1cafe

    no1cafe New Member

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    Since there's a new book all LM players are kind of starting anew and until there have been a decent amount of games played it will be hard to tell what works and what doesn't with the new book.

    What you've listed there sounds like a decent start though it may be worthwhile to get more skinks as they are bound to be useful still and you'll want 16 to put with you're kroxigor as I think kroxigors will still have a minimum unit size of 3. One more think is you may be able to get some good magic and a carnosaur if you build the 2 stegadons as EotG's since that will make the skink priests riding them level 3 wizards for the purpose of power and dispel dice generation (they will still only know 2 spells). Having 2 level 3 wizards is a good amount of magic if you ask me so it may be something for you to think about, though this will be an expensive chunk of your army.

    Also 10 stegs is not possible in 2000pts the most you will be able to fit is more likely 7 since you still only have 2000pts to play with.
  4. doom_diver
    Cold One

    doom_diver New Member

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    Yeah can't wait to see the loser who goes buys 7 Stegs for like 350 bucks just to realize it doesn't work. LoL
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    I too, wait for that poor soul so that I may laugh at him! :D (Btw, everyone go look in the Army Lists forum for a 7th edition list I posted!)
  6. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Will do!
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow weapon to give stegadon 2d6 impact hits! sure it is 50 points, but awesomeness. I got a look at the book today, and to be honest I didn't notice that skink chiefs could go on stegadons as well as priests. That seems like a much better option, though engine of the gods is tempting.

    I bought my first box, some saurus warriors. I am a little annoyed at how they stick together.... Has anyone converted any? They all look the same. And the swords look really really cool, but I cannot pass up the 21 s4 attacks that spears will give. Even chaos warriors will tremble!

    So currently thinking that I will definitely have 2 stegadons in my army, maybe even 3. The ancient is a combat monster with higher strength and an extra attack, and giant blow pipes give 2d6 attacks. Then an old blood on carnosaur definitely, and a lot of saurus warriors. After that, I will have to see how many points are left.
  8. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    You won't have any, lol, trust me. And keep in mind Ancient Stegadons have one LESS attack, but then again who can say no to 2D6+2 impact hits and strength 6??

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