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Best Cameras and picture hosts

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by SouthlandLizardman, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. SouthlandLizardman

    SouthlandLizardman New Member

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    I have not taken nor uploaded pics of the work I have done on my fantasy army, mostly due to lack of camera. Put aside a lil extra for a digital camera, and I was just wondering which cameras would be best for taking stillls and what picture hosts are the post? Usually when a pic won't work it shows up on my screen as a photo bucket error so I feel as though photo bucklets may be a bad choice for a picture hoster...
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    check the picture posting guide thats stickied in the forums, posting pics here uses unique tags (pic) insttead of (img).

    any camera over 5MP is good, something with a macro mode is recomended, having multiple light sources and a plain backdrop helps a lot. also a small tripod is a good idea.
  3. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    a tripod is worth gold. use a tripod and a self timer on teh camera. that way you can press the button and then let go of the camera before the pic is taken. this removes the vibrations from your hands and it is really noticable when you are taking pictures this close.

    Any camera will work if it has a macro mode tbh. a few MPs and you are fine. then import the pics in some sort of photo editor (PhotoScape is free and easy to use) and crop them, and adjust the white balance. i put either a white backround, or a small sheet of white paper in front of the mini. then i just [Ctrl+W+click] on the white part in PhoroScape and it adjusts the white balance automatically. then you can just crop away the white sheet.

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