Hello fellow scaly friends! I am about to depart on a vacation and am looking to pick up a book for downtime. Is there any AoS or Old World books that have a significant amount of Seraphon or old Lizardmen lore? I know our race has generally been left to ambiguity at best in most stories. I'm hoping there is something out there that will scratch that scaly itch while I'm away from painting and playing. Help!
I don't think there is much out there, you might be better reading the fluff section on this forum, although it's not official there are some outstanding stories.
Yeah the AoS stuff about Seraphon is not plenty. The Battletome (only buy at discount, the rules are old) and the new Core Book have most of it, and there is this Malign Portents story: https://malignportents.com/story/dying-star/ If you want old fluff then the old WHFB army books might be worth a try.
Do you have any suggestions for AoS novels in which the Seraphon appear? I've read a couple of the Realm Gate Wars books an it's all Stormcasts and Chaos.
They appear (a small amount) in the Nagash book (I’m currently reading it at present) it’s oretty good, but it’s mostly - tomb kings, skaven and norse- the lizards are mentioned a fair bit and fight for a small while but sadly don’t last long in the desert. Decent read though.
Check out Clan Pestilins by Josh Reynolds. It has quite a bit of Seraphon content, including PoVs from a Starpriest, Sunblood, Old Blood and Slann.