Anyone have any tactics to deal with VC? I know I could use LoD, but that would be...well, cheap. Any suggestions?
Well some fire attacks like Slamanders, flame banner, or the burning blade of chotec wouldn't be a bad idea either... Also don't forget to stock up on anti-magic items.
EOTG will very effectively kill his army. EOTG gets Str5 on Undead IIRC. Another strong unit would be COC in higher point games. Put a Scar-vet or two in there to beef up the attacks. Make sure to take full command and a magic banner. Have the unit champion take any challenge ( or equip a scar vet for the challenge). Then buff the unit with light. GO after the vampire specifically. Once he dies, the army will crumble.
in my experience, bring a lot of salamanders and deploy them in the flank. in order to get a good and many models under the template, you need to at least give 7" between the sallies and target. redirect them using skinks skirmishers if you have to. you can play a shadow slann to reduce the target's toughness before shooting with sallies. pretty much effective. ancient stegadon with EOTG is super awesome too. hope this helps