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Black Templars Battle Barge

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Kor, May 26, 2012.

  1. Kor

    Kor New Member

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    Yes it is Battlefleet Gothic! A truly amazing game. In my opinion, a more balanced game than both 40K (which is a joke when it comes to balance) and Fantasy.

    So this is my first ship I have purchased. Right now I'm waiting on my Stirke Cruisers to come in the mail. I'm pretty excited. Thinking about having 6 Cruisers. They are just little tanks which a decent amount of Hit Points and a 6+ armor all around I believe. If you haven't played Battlefleet Gothic before, your armor save is what your opponent has to roll in order to damage your ship. Unless your a Space Marine Battlebarge with Bombardment Cannons. Damage on a 4+ and Crit on a 4+ I believe.

    So this is it, Sigismund's Light.

    So this is my first ship I have purchased. Right now I'm waiting on my Stirke Cruisers to come in the mail. I'm pretty excited. Thinking about having 6 Cruisers. They are just little tanks which a decent amount of Hit Points and a 6+ armor all around I believe. If you haven't played Battlefleet Gothic before, your armor save is what your opponent has to roll in order to damage your ship. Unless your a Space Marine Battlebarge with Bombardment Cannons. Damage on a 4+ and Crit on a 4+ I believe.
  2. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Looks pretty big. Is it very detailed? Looks like a fair few flat panels on it (which would probably make it a lot easier to paint :p ) Is it finished?

    Also, that stand is huuuuuge! How many ships do you need in an army/fleet? Seems like a loooot of storage space required. Takes it off my list of games I'm able to play :( Looks pretty rad though!
  3. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    It's looking good.

    I agree that Gothic is a great game, but I don't think it's anywhere near balanced unfortunately. So many ship configurations are simply better than others and some fleets are just crazy powerful. As a friendly game with people using reasonable fleets it is a lot of fun though.
  4. Kor

    Kor New Member

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    The worst thing I have seen so far is the SM Bombardment cannon really. And that's easily countered. Stay out of range. :p

    Anyway, it is easy to paint. But it's a pain because there are a lot of recesses. Walls everywhere. So it takes a while to get all of the white primer covered.
    For it's size though it has a lot of detail. I can't wait to get the star map/chart painted onto the base.

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