okay guys. bottomline. are blowpipes quick to fire or not. if so, please show me where. if not, then darn, that sucks.
Despite the fact that the picture next to the entry about quick to fire is a skink with a blow pipe, no, they are not.
I think the more important question on everyones minds is... How do skinks fire blowpipes... WITHOUT LIPS!?!?!?!
Shh! We don't want the skaven players to find out the the air cannons hidden in the roofs of their mouths! Such evolutionary superiority must be kept secret or else the ratmen might figure out how to do it too! ...
well. its funny to me that even blowpipes are not listed in the new rule book. they have javelins but not blowpipes. any body else realize that?
Javalin rules had to change to fit in with the new edition, blow pipes did not, Besides it takes quite a while to reload a blowpipe, Longer than throwing a jav anyways, Harder to aim too Skinks fire blowpipes by using their tongs instead of lips to create a vacuum.
That's because other races have javelins, but only Lizardmen have blowpipes, so it only mentioned in our Armybook.
If you can name one other race with javelins I will without sleeping, finish every hobby project currently on my desk, (this will of course result in my demise, since there is at leapt 20,000 points of 40k as well as everything else
I think Chaos Wariors might have the option to take javelins.... or maybe it was empire... not sure one of thos armies that has a lot of weapon options....
Marauder Horsemen Additional equipment: **** Throwing spears (as Javelins) ....... Xpt/model **** [link] Cheers!
Awwww crap Pulls out paint boxes, Well on the upside. I've got a weeks holiday, Piccys later then I guess
well. its funny to me that even blowpipes are not listed in the new rule book. they have javelins but not blowpipes. any body else realize that? there listed in the armybook at the skink chief
They create an overpresure in their mouth. If it would've been a vacuum, the skink would swallow the dart
Ok, have base coated 1000 points of mauderers of chaos and pulled of a lovely conversion of a daemon prince crossed with a trygon, ala the what's new today blog on the gw site, Sick of painting purple so next up is the remaining 36 terminators of my death wing company, Pictures as soon as I've had some food, and find the camera