7th Ed. Bret Bashing

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Flint13, May 12, 2010.

  1. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Hey guys I just had a great game last night against a brettonian player, both my first game against brets and his first against lizards. I had a ton of fun playing him, but I came away with a few questions that i couldn't answer at the time b/c he had forgotten his army book. I was hoping one of you knowledgeable sages could help point me in the right direction.

    First, the rules questions. Brettonian characters can take virtues which they can take multiples of (across different knightly characters) Now the really important thing (what we had a disagreement over) was whether these virtues use up points from the characters magic item limit. The guy i was playing insisted they didn't, that virtues were something completely separate, while army builder insisted that virtues took points from the magic item limit. Again, we couldn't verify b/c he forgot his army book. Which one of these is correct? The guy had a really awesome paladin with armor that gave him weapon skill 10 and talisman that made any duel the character proposed mandatory. Along with this, he had a virtue that allowed rerolls to hit and wound whenever the character was in a challenge. He squished my mounted scar-vet in a challenge, only to be run down moments later by a unit of vengeful kroxigor, so I wasn't too upset ^_^. But for future reference, it would be a great help if someone could clear this up.

    Next, this is just out of curiosity... in the fiction of the Warhammer universe, have the lizardmen and bretonnians ever come into contact with each other at all? Looking through the army book, it looks like brets are like the ONLY race lizardmen haven't beaten into poo at somepoint for invading thier jungles. Anywho, I was just curious for fluffy reasons. It does seem a bit far fetched for the lizards to be fighting brets... I can't really see them getting into brettonia and I really can't think of a reason brets would mount an expidition to lustria. Brets seem almost xenophobic to be honest. Anyway, help on either point is appreciated, thanks in advance!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Do a sesrch on Avalon...
    The lizards gated to the island and terraformed it into a jungle.
    Fought and killed most of the locals.
    I believe its just of the coast from Britaina... I think.

    Yea one thing to keep in mind is that Lizardmen have a teleportation
    system that spans th entire globe, so they can be almost anywhere
    at a moments notice.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Refer to the options of characters, pages 66 and 67, of the Bret army book. 'May choose one virtue and items up to 100/50 points (lord/hero)'

    Virtues count as part of the magic equipment point limit. Your friend may be thinking of vows (peasant vow, knight vow, questing vow, grail vow) which do not count.

    A very interesting question. The older players among us will remember that the big starter box for 5th edition warhammer contained LM vs Brets. You are correct, both are somewhat defensive races. Brets only really travel out to help the empire, go on crusades, and find the grail. Lizards very rarely leave Lustria. I'm not sure why they would come across each other, but certainly they would be hostile if they did.

    Fun fact: my very first game of warhammer ever was a small siege battle between LM and Brets at the start of '99! I had a unit of saurus, 2 units of skinks, battering ram, 2 ladders. He had 2 big units of archers on a wall and a small unit of knights behind the wall plus boiling oil above the gate. The result was a solid massacre my way! In hindsight, interesting for a GW store to introduce new players to the game with a siege battle but oh well, it worked.
  4. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Cool, thanks guys!

    Unfortunately, I've only played warhammer since 6th edition, so I'm afraid I missed out on the bret vs lizard action... but it sounds pretty awesome, as does the seige initiation. Heck, if I had known you could do awesome battles over castles, I would have started playing way sooner than I did.
  5. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    Funny that that starter box set be mentioned actually, those very same saurus form part of my core army :)


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