8th Ed. Buidlings and how to fight in them

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Trociu, May 9, 2014.

  1. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Yesterday we played Watchtower scenario and we had HUGE problem with the buildings. Here are the one for which we couldn't find answer:

    1. If unit enters building then no matter how many soldiers it's in it, it still is fully in the building right? If not then what happens?

    2. If building is being charged then only 10 models can fight from one side without ranks right? And I choose who fights on my side or it has to be champion and heroes or lords?

    3. Ok, so we had 1 round of fight, no one had run. What happens when i want to charge on a unit that charged building (of course using some other troops from the battlefield)?
  2. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    1. If unit enters building then no matter how many soldiers it's in it, it still is fully in the building right? If not then what happens?

    Yes, the building holds the entire unit, but only 10 can fight at a time, also; 10 models can shoot PER FLOOR

    2. If building is being charged then only 10 models can fight from one side without ranks right? And I choose who fights on my side or it has to be champion and heroes or lords?

    Yep, you choose the fighters.

    3. Ok, so we had 1 round of fight, no one had run. What happens when i want to charge on a unit that charged building (of course using some other troops from the battlefield)?

    If the unit garrison the building doesn't flee, the charging unit is bumped 1" away from the building, and are for now out of combat, so they can charge again in their next turn, or be charged in the next players turn by another unit.

    Therefore, flails are insane for holding buildings, as all rounds of combat is first round =)
  3. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    1) The building does hold the entire unit (including characters). The BRB rules say that only 5 models may shoot PER FLOOR, Ondjage is playing a house rule apparently.

    2) Yes you choose the fighters.

    3) If the Assault on the building failed by the attacker, then they more 1" away from the building, if you want to charge the unit on your turn given a free flank, please do so!
  4. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    Heeeehehehehehee "house rule"... I didn't have the rulebook at hand, sorry about that, thanks for correcting me!
  5. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The current building rules are one of the reasons why the watchtower scenario is nearly impossible to win if a decent sized combat unit enters the building before you can grab it. Here are some common tactics for both defending and assaulting the building from a LM perspective:

    1) park a unit of 20 saurus in the building to start the game and get the slaan BSB within range ASAP to give them re-rolls and higher LD. They are stubborn and will hold for quite a while.

    2) March the TG deathstar forward and get it into the building as quick as possible. Once there, it will be nearly impossible to eject short of a couple dwellers below followed by an assault.

    3) Use support units to delay or deflect any potential threat. There are a few units in the game that are capable of shredding even a TG death star even inside a building. Examples include witch elves with magic support (i.e. strength boost), khorne warriors with halberds and savage orc bigguns with a couple waagh buffs to re-roll.

    4) Remember only the watchtower counts - everything else in the army is expendable so long as you have at least one skink holding the watchtower at the end of turn 6!!!!


    1) It will be necessary to grind down every model in the building, don't expect a lucky failed panic or break check to win the game for you.

    2) Kill the enemy BSB in priority - just in case a lucky dice roll does occur, you don't want it ruined by the hold your ground roll. Magic, suicide attack, etc. are all worth it to create this opportunity.

    3) Attrition - flaming attacks get re-rolls to wound. That being the case, sallies are golden since each template hit causes d6 autohits with re-rolls with an autopanic check to boot! A couple rounds of shooting paired with hexes to reduce the enemy toughness can achieve wonders against elite, low toughness troops like elves. Also, javelin skinks at short range still wound on 6s for units in a building.

    4) interdiction - do not let reinforcements get into a position where they can replace the garrison unit or all the attrition effort will be wasted.

    5) Magic - anything flaming gets the same re-rolls to wound so a 3d6 fireball is far more useful than it would normally be. Heading into combat, hexes that reduce opposing leadership and increase your own unit's offence are vital to make the most out of every attack.

    6) Assault - once the garrison unit is softened up, assault with TG and every saurus character available. Ideally, the TG should have the flaming banner to grant the re-rolls to wound. Magical buffs that grant re-rolls and/or bonuses to hit are very helpful and don't forget predatory fighter. Also, iceshard blizzard lowers enemy leadership by 1 so a couple castings and a dead enemy BSB might allow a lucky break check to occur.
  6. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Woah, thanks stonecutter. I have to say that in last game the elves swordmasters wiped out my saurus with oldblood. But i was trying to play without wyssan wildform and it seems that's how it ends.

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