what is the unit strength of a lord on carnosaur? cuz if it's 5 or more couldnt he still be targeted in a unit?
The Carnosaur has given rise to a debate amongst my friends, so i decided to settle the questions once and for all. The Unit Strength chart on page 71 states the following: "Monster: US= starting wounds" "Ridden monster: US = Equal to monster + 1" This gives the Carnosaur a US of 6 (5+1) Page 74 "If a character model (including his mount) has a unit strength of 5 or more, then he can be picked out as a target regardless of the rules just given. Enemies may freely choose to either shoot at the character or the unit he has joined" He also cannot use the "look out sir!" rule in a unit (page 75) Also, some questions about what kind of penalty/bonus you get for shooting at him has arisen. Since he has US >1, he does not give the usual -1 penalty for shooting at a single model (page 28) But, since he's not a "large target" ha does not give a +1 bonus to hit, and therefore cannot see over units. Personally i really like that they've done when they removed the "large target". You don't get +1 to hit, and you can hide him behind skirmishing skinks. And the idea of hiding him inside a unit, I just think it's lame. It looks really stupid no matter what unit you put him in... IMO, it's better to use a skirmish screen, because if you hide him in a unit he's easier to target, and it's harder to manouver.
Personally I think a Carnosaur dumped into a Cold One Cavalry unit is cool. Even though the Carnosaur can be targeted in a group doesn't mean he can't benifit from the Sun Standard of Chotec Magic Standard that the COC happens to have. I think hiding a Carnosaur behind Skinks kinda lame .
Heheh, ok. yeah. Sometimes it is... It's just that i like skirmish screens. They look good. Yeah, the sun standard. Didn't occur to me. Good idea!
Hmmm that is an interesting question. Page 79 of the BRB under 'Mounts Psychology' says the entire combined model counts as causing fear/terror if the mount does, so US 6 for terror.
That sounds really fair. US 6, terrorcausing. And remember that the hero gets frenzied when the carnosaur does. (Somewhere in the section of mounts and frenzy or something...) So, no need to give the saurus carnosaur pendant.
I think they might have made him a touch too good by removing the large target... But its no dragon for gods sake, though I would almost back a carnosaur vs a dragon . It is a well rounded beast that is definitely worth considering and won't use up half your army doing it, I love the carnosaur. I think its psychology and mounts, same page as the above mentioned section for fear/terror. Yes the carnosaur transfers frenzy to the rider. It can sometimes still be worth the pendant, if the carnosaur dies or if the saurus is killing your targets before the carnosaur is getting to attack, but going without it saves points and gives you a touch more control.
But the steg is a large target, is crewed by t2 models (easier to kill than the old blood to force monster reaction), costs more points and doesn't case d3 wounds for each wound.