8th Ed. Carnosaur, when to bring the pain?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Vallek, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Hey there my fine friends, I have been wondering when you guys believe it is a good time to whip out the nasty smashy old blood on carnosaur? What point total game do you field him? Have you ever had a game where the Carnosaur function better than, lets say, a Slann or a skink chief on an ancient stegadon?

    I bought this bad boy when I first started playing LM and have never even fielded it due to how much magic support our saurus seem to need. He also strikes me as being cannon ball fodder. If you do field him would you consider taking an EotG lvl 2 in order to combat the loss of the Slann? Just curious how this would work.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    EotG is a good compliment, yes. A lot of points in characters though to have both.

    I've tried running a carnosaur (one of my favourite models as well!) in 8th and found the army didn't do very well. I'm pretty sure the carnosaur got shot from range, then the Old Blood ran in on foot and did well but overall the army lacked magic support.

    I will probably use it when there is enough points to have both a Slann and a Carnosaur. That is about the 3000 point level I think, maybe a bit higher depending on how upgraded you want each of them.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I would consider taking one at 2500 points, but I would have to take the EOTG to help with the magic phase. The 5+ ward bubble by itself would be worth the cost on that.

    At 3000pts + I would feel more comfortable taking one as I could also squeze in a slann to take advantage of magic.

    I do know that if you take a Carnosaur, you run him right up the middle of the table and get it into combat as quickly as you can!
  4. Rizzq

    Rizzq New Member

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    Hey man, great topic!

    i just started a carno discussion myself as i finally caved in and bought one due to the love affair i have with the model.

    Due the the low WS and toughness 5 i don't plan on taking on anything too numerous or too elite. I'm yet to try it out but it would seem that the best way to use it one on one would be against other monsters/war machines on the charge or small groups of infantry/cavalry. If I'm mistaken please correct me.

    I play with a group of friend so I'm more concerned with enjoying the battle itself than the outcome and the possibilities of having a carnosaur are incredible, imagine flanking.

    However you would have to take something for assistance, EOTG is my plan.
  5. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    I did start my 2000 point list with a carno as it was a monster heavy list. I decided to drop it in the end though for two reasons, firstly it would cost a bucket load of cash to have this guy and an oldblood model for when the carny dies, and secondly a life slann healing my stegs was just too good to pass up.

    I used the carno an eotg, a baby steg and a steg ancient in the 2000 point list. The Carno did well and often survived due to so many monsters but with only two unit champions in the list he would often get challenged out of combat which was so annoying.

    I say if you like the model then it is defo viable from 2000 points. I would recommend an eotg with cube for magic defence and a way of taking out enemy mages quickly to level the magical playing field.
  6. Dare
    Jungle Swarm

    Dare New Member

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    When I'm playing with friends they let me take him as a lone scar-vet on a cold one. I just can't leave the model out, I love it too much.

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