Soo here are the first pics of my WIP Carnosaur model. I changed the Kroq'Gar body with a TG body. I also changed the pose a bit and added some stuff to the saddle. More to come! (After i get this thing stuck to a base which is proving to be a challenge ) Feel free to post any comments, any feedback is appreciated Thanks!
Re: Carnosaur WIP Looks pretty cool so far, nice work! I look forward to seeing more. How did you scuplt the scales, especially the small ones? They look very good.
Re: Carnosaur WIP To sculpt the scales, i first made sure that the body was attached to the saddle legs, but without having the legs look too fat. When the GS had cured, I used tiny bit of GS rolled into a little ball and put it on the leg. I then squeezed the gs down so you'd eventually end up with little flat circles. After that I used a knife to cut away some of the GS and create the scales. I did do it one by one, without letting the scales harden when cutting away at the edges. Thanks for the good comments ^^ More pics to come!
Re: Carnosaur WIP Update on the Carnosaur! I put on the head already, added a "collar" to the Carnosaur head and some chains to hold him down. I figured regular rope wont cut it too keep this thing under control. Even though that doesnt really last long I also added an old TG banner. What you guys think of it? Dont mind the mess in the background
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Updated* It looks good! Cool idea with the collar, should be a very cool carnosaur when finished. I can't see very clearly in the shots, but the feet are the only thing that may look a little off. If just the toe is on the rock with the rest of the foot in midair, it may look strange.. Are you going to do more to the base?
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Updated* The feet look a bit weird because when I GS'd the leg it dried a bit wrong. If I had stuck it on the base like that it would have been tilting alot. I put some more GS under the feet to compensate for it. And I will definately do more with the base. Planning on adding a log, more vines and a cracked DE shield. Maybe some more rocks. More pics coming tomorrow! ^^
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Updated* That thing is so bad@#$ looking!!! Really talented work with all the greenstuff usage, man. Looking fantastic so far, keep at it and it'll only get even more awesome.
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Updated* Sooo another update: both arms have been fixed to the model, and the base is just about done. I will camouflage any weird things with flock after ive painted it. Behold! And a couple of close-ups of the base: Now to start on the paintjob. This is going to take a looong while
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Model complete* I like the idea of the collar. I think the "flattened" chains look to modern, but that is up to tastes. Solid work, I am looking forward to seeing this model painted. Greetz, the Maniac
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Model complete* This Oldblood is freaking awesome! I love the scale work. Great conversion.
Update on the Carno: First bit of painting done. Painting is proving to be a slow process, also because I'm sick right now and had alot of work on other stuff before. Here are some pics: I apologise for the sometimes blurry pictures. Crappy cam =/ The carnosaur is almost finished. I will finish it up when the rider is done, so I can start covering up any flaws. The gold needs to be done and the Saurus skin needs a couple more layers (It will be highlighted to white). I removed some bits from the saddle to make the Saurus easier to paint and added the gems. The banner snapped off while I was painting and I will only put it back on when its finished. Any comment are appreciated!
I REALLY like that Saurus skin's color. Would you mind letting me know how you did the skin/scales??? Great model all in all. I really like the modifications you made to the carnosaur and I can't wait to see it finished.
The Saurus was basecoated black. Then I painted a mix of red gore and blazing orange with alot of water on the model. I then picked out the scales and some of the skin with Dheneb Stone. The skin and scales will then be highlighted with a mix of Dheneb Stone and Skull White, adding more Skull White in every step. Expect to see more pics of that within a week