8th Ed. Carnosaur

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Baggies, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Baggies
    Cold One

    Baggies Member

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    I have just bought Kroq gar and am very keen to get the carnosaur into battle as I have never used one! I will put a scar vet on the back. My question is does it act as one model? So when the scar vet loses his wounds that's it scar vet and carnie r dead? ( like a cold one)Or is it different? Many thanks
  2. Turtleneck
    Cold One

    Turtleneck New Member

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    cant put a scarvet on it, has to be an oldblood, and no its a ridden monster, so monster and rider have their own wounds, if the rider dies, the monsters takes a monster reaction test =)
  3. Cravenus
    Cold One

    Cravenus New Member

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    a character on a carnosaur(wether old blood or kroq-gar) operate using the ridden monster rules(BRB pg 105).

    I'll give a quick run down, and anyone else can throw in what I miss.

    the character moves at the mounts speed(thus a flying mount means it can fly)
    when being shot at with a BS weapon(direct fire) after rolling to hit, you roll to see who gets hit(1-4 mount 5+ rider), and take their wounds and saves based on the models stats(rider or mount). If the combined model is hit with a template weapon, all parts are hit(the mount and all riders), in the case of a template with variable strength(like stone throwers) roll to see which part is hit(1-4 mount, 5+ rider) by the high STR portion.

    In assault, models in base with the monster are free to choose to attack the mount or rider separately.
    If you accept or issue a challenge with a ridden monster the whole thing is in the challenge, though, impact hits(if any) are applied to the unit as a whole and stomps(if any) are restricted to the challenge(that may be backwards, it's in the FAQ).

    If the rider dies the mount must pass a Ld check and then a monster reaction check to see what happens to it, if it passes the Ld check, all is fine. If the mount dies, the rider continues on foot.

    I'm sure I've missed something, but someone else can come in and point it out.
  4. Baggies
    Cold One

    Baggies Member

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    Thanks for the reply prob going to use it in my next slaughter of skaven!

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