8th Ed. Casting Queries

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Fhanados, May 12, 2014.

  1. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Hi guys,

    I have a few questions about magic. I posted them earlier but they were part of a larger post, so I wanted to separate them to get some direct feedback regarding the questions.

    1. Can a Wizard cast non-Magic Missile spells while he’s in combat on his own or is involved in a challenge?
    2. Can a Wizard cast augments that target “a unit within X” such as Wyssan’s Wildform or Flaming Sword of Rhuin on themselves?
    3. Can a Wizard who is in combat cast a Direct Damage spell on the enemy unit it is in combat with?
    4. Do Augments and Hexes that affect a “unit” affect both the Wizard and his mount (specifically, mounts of the Stegadon variety)?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    The best way to think about casting, is that you have 2 sets of limitations.
    One set is can you can.
    The other is who you can target.

    If you are in combat you cannot cast magic missiles, but you may cast direct damage, hexes and augments.
    You cannot cast direct damage spells at a unit in combat.
    A wizard can target himself with an augment such as Wyssan's Wildform or Flaming Sword, and in both those cases, it would also affect any unit he is joined to.
    Hexes and Augments affect both the unit and the units mounts. Wildform makes Saurus Cav S5 base, and makes the Coldones also S5.

  3. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I think you just answered all of my questions in one ball of text. Thank you!

    I've just come to the realisation that Kroak and EoTG may not be as good as I imagined them. Ah well, I don't love them any less.

    Thanks again!

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