Casual Play or Competitive Play?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Brock Sampson, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Brock Sampson

    Brock Sampson New Member

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    Hello Everyone. Fat, loud, obnoxious, generally lazy, socially awkward, non-judgmental American gamer here (is there really any other kind?). With that foundation being solidified, let me ask, do you consider yourself a "casual player" or a "competitive player?" When I ask that, I mean do you get together with your friends, mates, blokes, brothers-in-arms, partners in crime and play games where you don't bring an optimum list, but rather try different lists of units just to see what your army can do (no war machines, no cavalry, no rare choices, etc)? Or are you a competitive player who is always honing your army to be streamlined to be an efficient killing machine of sharp, choppy, stompy, hell-fury casting goodness? :bored:

    Personally I'm mostly a casual player. I try to have my army completely painted and be as easy on my eyes and my opponents eyes. I believe there is more fun to be had playing painted armies, but that might just be me. I have a few friends I play with where we get together for beer and shockingly fattening and salty snacks and play games just to see what we can do. We call these our "friendly" games. Then we'll get together and specify beforehand, "Non friendly games." These are some of the most rules intensive, death dealing, combat oriented lists we can make and they are usually designed to completely dismantle each others armies. Just like mom used to do. ;)

    I'm pretty peculiar who I play with and the reason is simple: I hate poor sportsmanship. I'm mean really I H-A-T-E it. If we are playing a casual game, while I don't enjoy losing or play to lose, it's okay if I do lose. And I expect the same from my opponent. I never cease to be amazed at how many times I explain the "friendly" game concept and after agreed upon conditions, my opponent brings an army that is tournament worthy. I'm met with the response of, "I know what you said, but I don't play to lose." And even when I play casually, I am amazed at how angry people get for losing. As you can tell, my gaming circle is pretty small.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy matching wits in competitive play! As one of my friends said when he brought his Dwarfs against my High Elves, "Dammit, you brought that stupid 'Banner of I' win didn't you?" Of which my reply is, "Yes and my general has a sword that gives you no armor saves. Suck it." Blood, screaming and consuming of beer ensued. :D The Dwarfs usually win b/c my dwarven friend is just better than me (I hate admitting that). But all in all, the people around where I live who want to play competitively are painfully rude and obnoxious. As one defeated player said, "He may have won, but I didn't lose!" And the rest of the night he read the army book and complained about the game and the army he lost against. Sigh...let it go dude, let it go. This is why I choose to be a casual player.

    I'm not saying all competitive players are rude, not by a long shot! I appreciate people who build armies to win and are good sportsmen about it. I get a certain unholy glee when I see an army that is crafted to beat the ever living S*** out of other armies and I do chuckle darkly. But over all, are you a competitive player or a casual player most of the time? God I hope this morbid synaptic misfire made sense.
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I am a casual player for the most part. I would love to be more competitive, but there simply are no competitive tournaments in my area. I have played warhammer since January of 2010 and have participated in exactly 2 tournaments. My local club has more 40k players than fantasy players.

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