8th Ed. Challenges really need help on this one

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by skink in the sink, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. skink in the sink

    skink in the sink New Member

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    My friends and I came up with a houserule because of confusion that a challenge and combat have special situations. for example: My saurus units defeats an empire knight unit in combat, while my scar-vet is in a challenge against his general. the empire knights flee, even while using the general's leadership, but the general stays in combat in the challenge. My question is whether or not the character fighting the challenge falls back with the unit, even if in a challenge.
    example 2: same saurus unit against the general in a challenge with the scar vet, but the knights left the turn before. the scar vet causes 1 wound, suffering none in return, while the unit has a standard and an extra rank of at least 5 models. would the general count the standard and rank against his leadership because he is in a challenge?
    ANY helpe is VERY much appreciated, thank you
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I would say that the general flees with the unit. He is part of the unit. He would flee with them. Unless the general was in another unit (seperate but in the same combat).
  3. Coatl
    Temple Guard

    Coatl New Member

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    correct arli. if the general is in the unit of knights, accepts the challenge and the unit of knights loses combat and fails their LD test, he will flee with the unit. if he charged in seperately, they both test individually to see who stays and who runs. the knights may use the general's LD (inspiring presence) but the general may not use the steadfast rule, assuming the knights have more ranks.

    as for the second question (it sounds more and more like the general charged in solo), you add up your combat resolution after each round of combat. if the scar vet did 1 wound, suffered none in return, was in a unit with a standard and multiple ranks, your combat res would be as such: 1 for the wound he did, 1 for the banner, and up to 3 for the ranks. the general would get 0 (no wounds caused, no banner, didnt charge, no flank/rear), so you would win by 3-5 depending on ranks and the general would test at that modified LD. it doesn't matter if hes in a challenge or not. the challenge just keeps him from being smacked by the saurus accompanying the scar vet.
  4. Sao
    Cold One

    Sao New Member

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    The errata says (no rulebook near me so dont hit me) that when tow models are in a challange they are removed from the fighting.

    ratios show combat res

    So a unit of 10 knights (plus char) charging 20 saurus (plus Scarvet) 1:0
    Empire captain challanges, SV accepts 1:0
    so due to I order challange goes first. 1:0
    Captian fluffs it, SV wounds him 1:1
    Knights attack (general mathhammer says 4.8 re deaths so 5) 6:1
    Saurus attack (mathhammer says 7 deaths) 6:8
    standards 7:9
    Ranks 7:11
    No steadfast so -4 to ldr, so test on ld 5 means 22% to pass. =]

    I <3 mathhammer =]

    but yes challange will break and you do pursue etc


  5. skink in the sink

    skink in the sink New Member

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    thanks guys, I'm going to play it the right way now that i know this.

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