8th Ed. Chaos dwarfs

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rettile, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    are chaos dwarfs a viable and competitive army? Which strenghts and weaknesses have them?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Here's the LM vs. CD Tactica I wrote a while back.


    Here is the CD equivalent of Lustria


    The basic Chaos Dwarfs are little different from regular Dwarfs but they have LOTS of non-dwarf support units.

    Chaos Dwarfs have
    -Tough as nails basic infantry
    -Potent but not super long ranged BS based shooting
    -Powerful war machines second only to regular Dwarfs
    -Armored spell casters but not a wide lore selection
    -Giant scary giant monsters
    -A mix of quite slow and quite fast units
    -Lots of fire resistant things and flaming attacks
    -Cheap Goblinoid units to provide chaff units, tarpits, and Fast Cavalry
    -High points costs virtually guaranteeing that ANY army will outnumber them, barring the oddball who goes nuts with Hobgoblins (but generally these players are better off with O&G)
    -High dollar cost and not quite finished model line guaranteeing that they are currently limited to a small but dedicated fan base

    Fluffwise, they are my favorite Warhammer bad guy. They plan to take over the world by making slow methodical gains that they can hold on to rather than periodically overextending themselves and then getting slapped down (Orcs, Skaven, Vampires). They also don't have tunnel vision where they only want to take down ONE group (Dark Elves, Beastmen, WoC).

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