8th Ed. Charge and flee reaction issue

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Man0waR, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Hi lizardfellows.

    I just came up with an issue I found in my last battle with some "I couldn't find clear rules" regarding charging unit and flee reaction that lead into different interpretations of the rules and arguing about what has to be done.

    Here's the situation:

    Chaos Khorne Skullcannon charges a Salamanders Unit, that Declares the flee reaction. Skullcannon redirects.
    <----- The Salamanders flee behind Kroxigor Unit and flee through a bastiladon just behind Krox. So Sallies were safe.

    Skullcannon redirects on Kroxigor, as i wanted to take no wounds on them, and sure it would be a failed charge once they were behind bastiladon and skullcannon cannot redirect anymore. I fled.

    Then we roll for the charge distance and the flee distance resulting in a good charge roll and a poor flee roll. Enough to achieve the distance between units + flee reaction.

    And right here start the discussion.

    My point of view: Even with that poor flee roll, my Krox flee behind the bastiladon and the already fleeing sallies. As it clearly says in the moving fleeing unit section. So the Skullcannon could not complete the charge against Krox and fail charge. (or with enough charge distance, accidentally charge bastiladon)

    My opposite friend point of view: The roll is enough to cover the distance + flee reaction, so the Krox couldn't have time to run behind the bastie and were caught. And accidentally finish it charge into the bastiladon.

    Then I explained that the caught! rule it was only in close combat but in charge & flee, you move first the fleeing unit, and if they cross a friendly unit or something that stops the charge move, the fleeing unit is safe.

    As we couldnt agree in our points of view, I started to search rulebook in hand, and found that with the words written in the rules, and not a clear example I couldn't support my point of view, neither theirs. So I just let their point of view apply since if I could not find an answer in the rules for the first 5 minutes, its better to continue playing and after the game just search the answer.

    And I did it, and found the same, no clear rules or example that clearly states what happen in that situation, so if I face it again, I couldn't support my point of view.

    Well wise forum mates. What do you think about?
  2. Hinds

    Hinds New Member

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    I am no expert, so the following might not be correct rules wise.
    However I do believe you are actually correct. Since you do move the fleeing unit first/immideatley and then only later choose your charge rolls in the order you wish.
    He does however have a point about them catching up, but I guess you are right that is only if you break from CC.
  3. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    You were correct.

    If you can't complete the charge because you didn't roll high enough or because there is another unit blocking your path, then you hae a failed charge. You have to come into contact with the unit that fleed from your charge. This is the basis of every one's favorite "Double Flee" tactic.

    Note: If you had fled with the Salamander, then he redirected to the Kroxigor and you fled with them as well. And the Kroxigot fled through the Salamader. And your opponent rolled double 6's giving him plenty of distance to hit the Koroxigor it will be a failed charge. The fleeing salamander is in the way, and your opponent is no longer charging the salamander, so nothing gets overrun. Yay! (Now try this with Skinks/Terradons)
  4. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Thanks for the quick answers.

    That game i didn't have to much skinks to flee the whole battlefield. I was confident about rallying those units since they run into the BSB/General Bubble.

    Hope the next situation I could explain the rule better :)

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