8th Ed. Charging a unit vs fleeing

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by skippy35671, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. skippy35671
    Jungle Swarm

    skippy35671 New Member

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    I've tried giving this the old search, but failed! forgive me on this simple question!

    I bought and built a bunch of Lizardmen from blackfriday sales, and got my first ever 1500 point game in. My friend wanted to show me how its done, but i think he isnt the best teacher sadly.

    Long story short... My Carnosaur Oldblood charged a 40ishman unit of chaos marauders. He chose to flee instead of stand and fight. He fled, but said the unit must flee DIRECTLY AWAY from the model/unit charging, saying they change facing to match it, and run. this resulted in him getting snagged on terrain they couldn't fit through, and me running them down.

    It that correct, or is it straight lines, not turning?

    My Carno was at a slight angle, not directly facing the unit, his was perfectly straight staring right at my Carno. If it was a straight backwards retreat, i would have failed the charge. The "tilt to match my angle" retreat was what caught him.

    Also, soon to be posting pics of my painted carno and bastiladon. Super pumped about playing them!
  2. godswearhats

    godswearhats New Member

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    This is half right.

    He does have to turn to face away from the center of your unit, so that part was correct. (P20 of the BRB, aligning to the enemy)

    However if his flee takes him through or into impassable terrain, the unit will take a dangerous terrain test (not stop). If he ends up "in" the impassable terrain, the unit keeps moving until it is 1" past the terrain. (P25 of the BRB, moving feeling units).

    Hope this helps!
  3. skippy35671
    Jungle Swarm

    skippy35671 New Member

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    This helps a lot, but what about the distance rolled, and placing in impassable terrain? Say for example you'd only land an inch or 2 in, but your unit has a 6-8 inch footprint? You'd gain a ton of excess space leaping to 1 inch AHEAD of it, wouldn't it stop you the closest distance of least disturbance?
  4. godswearhats

    godswearhats New Member

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    Nope. This is a special rule for fleeing units. They basically run really far and really fast in a complete panic, and scramble over and around everything and anything (including other units!).

    There are a number of times in Warhammer where you'll find that stuff will pop through a unit / terrain and out the other side 1" (Night Goblin Fanatics and Mangler Squigs come to mind also). Sometimes this means a big move that would otherwise have been impossible. Such is life :)


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