Now now, calm down: that very bad pun is just to draw your attention and actually read this thread. Strewart, just for you: it is a very serious pun, and I expect nothing less than a 'rolls on floor laughing', in real life (ofcourse). We have this beautifull chatbox on LO*, which is a pretty nice and unique feature on a forum. Unfortunately, it hasn't been very active since it's 'grand opening'. I've devised a mighty plan to change all that (and take over the world, in the process). How about (and I know this is going to sound weird/odd/strange (you pick) : a chatsession. A few guys come online at a set time and: chat. Let me know how you feel about this, so we can arrange something. Alternatively, let me know if you think this idea is kinda crappy and you don't want to have anything to do with me . Just another idea to improve/bring closer/get to know/'other' this community. The Hunted
Having a topic for the day might help start a good chat sesion. (I hear taking over the world is popular)
This sounds like a good idea, I would volunteer, my only question would be about picking a time that works for people in different time zones...
You guys struck the 2 exact things I was worried about: time and topic. I'll see tomorrow what I can do...(read: think of) (It's not so hard either, so I've heard. It's a small place nowadays...) The Hunted
Good idea, I'd be up for it if I could make it. Probably the furthest timezone away from everyone though. Nothing like a bit of chatboxing. I have nothing valuable to say here, just wanted you all to strain at the screen again!
It would be nice for a good chatboxing session. I, for one, fully endorse this idea! Just following suit...
I support promoting the chat also. I might after all have something arguably valuable to add then! I hope this is how it's done. Are you straining?
What do you guys think about the timing, in the weekend or on a normal week day? (power of democracy decides) And about the topic, I haven't had much time to think about it (tentams...) but we have the usual suspects: WHFB (tactics, army lists etc...etc..), politics, football, work, funny experiences... I think the ball will start rolling soon enough, once a few people have joined. But if people INSIST.. Boy, did we started a new hype or WHAT!? And I love your sig, Eternity
Hmm tough choice. Weekends I'm usually out drinking, but weeknights I am trying not to stay up too late due to uni. Either works I guess, would probably lean toward weeknights unless it was going to be like 2am my time, then weekend. Thanks hellbreaker, I strained. Also, I think I have finally worked out what the numbers mean in the size tag. Its a percentage of normal text size.
Stewart, how about little game called drunken chatboxing. I'm in if you are. I think we'll have to deside the time of the day ,which is ok for everyone, before thinking of the day. I'm at work from 3.00 am-6.00 am (GMT +2), and during weekends I'm at work from 3.00 am-10.00 am, if that helps.
Well, I'm usually free on weekends, so I can hop in at more or less appropriate times. Although I will probably just end up doing that every now and then. I think I figured this out now, after Strewart's interesting find. (also meaning I can get even smaller than y'all!) Anyway, I can unfortunately not be present until next week, so if you decide to, you can't bask in my presence, so you'll have to make due with other people that aren't me.
Bump? Everyone check the new link on the main page to the chat. Its an IRC channel now, better than the old one, lots more features, and easy to stay signed in with a tab while you are doing other things. I will be on it a lot.