Hi Lustria, I need your help again. I am looking to add 8 more Razordons to my army. Obviously, like many of you, I am refusing to buy the old model for $30 a piece. What do you think about these models? https://www.google.com/search?q=legend+of+drizzt+hunting+drake&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS819US819&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjz89j7iLHfAhVSMt8KHfnEBN4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1527&bih=825#imgrc=A5BCAIaV5BMiFM: Pros: -Cheap -Look fairly Seraphon Cons: -Cheap -Size -Mono-pose What do you all think? Do you think your local store/tournament holders would accept these models? You would have to base them well, maybe put them on some rocks to beef them up.
I think it always comes down to the Rule of Cool. If you paint them up real nice, maybe add a few extra green stuff spikes or an exceptionally cool base, no one will have an issue.
ive had pretty good luck converting saurus knights (the dinos) into razordons. When put on all fours, they have the correct profile and angle. Add some extra spikes, and my stormcast buddies can't tell a difference.
I don't know. For friendly games, sure. For tournaments i think not. But i should see the final version... as said, some work can make them good, but i know many tournaments explicitly require only gw stuff, with conversions made by using gw products
I have converted dark elf cold one because I loved their raptor style I have no probs in tournament so far
Also I paid 75 euros instead of 400 and I got nicer models , I LL post images here if people want to see
What size base does a Razordon get assigned to? Does it outrange javelins or blowpipe darts? I’m having an idea....
I would as well. I thought they were originally sold three to a pack? ...for about $30..!? Yes please. How did the jump from $30 each to €400 happen? I am failing to follow the math.
Well in France we paid 23 euro for 1 razor and 3 handler ( that are useless and can be easily converted ) so 15 razor are 345 euros , instead 3 box of 5 cold one riders dark elfs are 75 euros and you can dump riders for other conversion . I LL post images
That is surprising. I would have guessed one of the round bases / because it’s artillery or it counts as such.
I like the idea of the cold ones, but doesnt feel right to me on two legs, wonder how they'd look on all fours, there is no denying the financial superiority. Only have 3 razors, probably not going to get more anytime soon. But if I wanted that many, id have to consider cold ones for sure.