7th Ed. Cheese or not?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Kai-Boq, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Kai-Boq

    Kai-Boq New Member

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    Yesterday I played in a tournament. I haven't played my Lizzies that much, and I was happy that I got a 8. place out of 18. ( lol, number 1 was playing deamons and 2,3 and 4 was playing VC) However, I was wondering if my army was just a little cheesy. We played 2250 pts, and I had a old blod on carnosaur, skink chief on ancient stegadon with the stegadon-war spear and a lvl 2 priest on engine. ( I really like big dinosaurs :D) These 3 took 1300 pts of my army. I think they did really well, and I liked my list. But do you think that other people think this is cheesy?
  2. Blizzinam

    Blizzinam New Member

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    In a tournament, you bring what hits hard! And considering you were obviously up against a lot of really strong armies, i'd say could have done a helluva lot worse.
  3. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Ok, so heres the deal.
    A properly run tournament with a legitimate army composition ranking will mark you down on comp scores for having two Stegadons.
    However, you will most likely get a way with it.
    However, you will lose comp scores.
    Which means you will have to get higher army points, painting scores and sportsmanship scores to do well in the tournament.
    Without attempting to flame, the previous poster may not have attented real tournaments, as just min-maxing your army and getting it as hard as possible will most likely get your list rejected, if the tournament convenors are anything but stupid.
    Anyway, a short answer. Two stegadons is NOT cheesy, but its really really close. Addionally, against some armies it is really nasty, and may be very abnoxious and not fun to play against. (This may cause your opponent to mark you down on sportsmanship scores also, it happens).
    The army looks mean though, and If you really wanna play it, do so, cos its not too over the top.
    If anyone cries at you, just say "Hey bro, at least I don't have eight stegadons". Cos you can do that....
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I run 2 stegs and a carnosaur... I think it is powerful, but not overpowered. Remember the engine can be neutralised by killing the t2 skink on top, and killing the chief isn't too bad either. It also leaves you with a lot less points in the rest of your army.

    I'm not taking the chief though, just a normal steg. And I'm not doing it for a powerful army, I'm doing it because I love the steg models and they are a big part of the reason I started LM. If it proves too powerful I will change it, but so far my opponents don't mind.
  5. Blizzinam

    Blizzinam New Member

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    I apologize, i have just never participated in a tournament with comp score, i am more used to restrictions on what and how many of such and such you can take. And two Stegadons i honestly feel isnt a dick move that really justifies you getting smacked with a bad comp! I mean i can see how comp is a great system, but having no personal experience i cant really speak on it. Also i am more of a 40k player just recently getting into fantasy, that could have something to do with my take on the whole thing.
  6. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I'd agree that 2x stegadons is getting close to cheesy. The main thing with any potentially cheesy army is that it utilizes many points on a single element of the army. In this case terror causing monsters. I wouldn't say that 2x is absolutely cheesy even when coupled with the use of a carnosaur, but I'll definitely say that tournament judges will not like the comp. Also, some armies won't have the tools to effectively handle that many terror causing hammers that can close so quickly. You will win by a landslide.

    Overall, tournaments will probably mark you down on comp. For friendly games I'd make sure that your opponent has a list that has tools to handle it. The list definitely plays to LM strengths in the list so it's not 100% cheesy in my book (unless you complain about dwarves taking too many warmachines).
  7. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I don't see anything wrong with two stegadons, unless they're both EotGs... which would be kinda cheesy. But two stegadons of different types serving different purposes are definitely not cheesy.

    I wish I had a second Stegadon, I've just got the old version. :spiderman:
  8. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Maybe not 2 regular stegadons. But take a regular/ancient stegadon + EotG + Oldblood on carnosaur, and you may have certain individuals raising their eyebrows. Should have said that in my original post.
  9. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Yeah, an Eotg and a skink priest with the lance of doom and magical impact hits. This is the combo I made the (perhaps hasty) presumtion you were talking about.
    Eye-brow raiser is right. Borderline dirty.

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