I'm curious, if you had to write the cheesiest list possible for lizards, what would you put in it? I don't quite have the experience to know confidently what I'd put in, (maybe just 6-7 stegadons?) so I'm interested in hearing what more seasoned players think. edit: For those that work better with constraints, say you're playing 2250 points with not special characters, if you have a super cheesy list outside of these rules, by all means, post it
Yeah I would just max out on stegadons, who can handle all that terror? Aside from undead, but you can kill so many of them that they won't win combat anyway. Include a couple of engines for some magic support and the ward saves and you're set. It may be worth considering 2-3 large units of terradons in special though, they can work to drop rocks and cover the retreats to cause a good amount of panic. The stegadons can easily be filled from hero and rare choices.
So, say... 3 EoTG + Lord (old blood? slaan? another EOTG?), 3 units of skirmishing skinks for core choices, then stegs in the rare/special? Maybe terradons to go warmachine hunting, flank, marchblock?
I think standard magic is too unreliable to really be a powergaming force, there is too much risk of a miscast and it costs a LOT of points. Slann and 3 engines takes you to somewhere around 1600 points? That is huge considering how soft a priest or even the Slann can be. To be a magic power army you really need insane spells and wizards of value in combat as well as at range, the old Tzeench list was a good example, or a VC list can have an insane amount of very easy to cast very good spells. Although a Slann and 3 engines is a really really powerful amount of magic.... It would be interesting to see if any of the 8 lores could really bring enough power for the list to dominate. I would ignore a lord altogether, though an old blood on carnosaur with blade of realities would be hard to look past, many many things that he can deal with easily. Terradons for marchblocking, yes, and warmachine hunting since our biggest threat would be things that could kill stegs easily. But do not discount the power of d3 s4 rocks from each terradon if you have a decent sized unit; 6 terradons will average around 12 hits which can be dropped on basically any unit from turn 2 at the latest with a very wide range of potential. TBH though I don't think LM are really a powergaming cheesy army, max stegs are scary to most but you need 2 to ensure you take a unit with their static combat res and there are some armies that can deal with them.
It's funny, the resulting list might look a lot like: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1367 I kinda feel like taking a Slann forces you to have a 'balanced' army, since it's hard to take a Slann without temple guard for protection, and the temple guard in turn need other infantry to engage the enemy.
a cheese lizzie army at 2250 points? that would probaly be: 3 eotgs L2( 1245 points ) inc 25 pt equip inc, if neccesary) skink chief with spear and ancient 380 3x ranked skinks 150 ( 1850) 2 stegs special. 470 ( 2245) as you see the eotgs will take up more then halve of your army, but having 11 PD at your disposal and maybe a diadem that will grant you maybe even 13 pd, you can blasts thunderbolts everywhere ( hurray for large target) and give your army a double 5+ wardsave ( effectively giving you a bigger range) and having the other eotg giving heavens support. when in combat, hmmm well 3 engines nuking everything that is near is not funny