Having seen them in a side box in the Lizardmen Army book - do you think they would add the Coatyl to the list of Lizardmen Army choices? Has Games Workshop ever done that kinda thing before? Thanks, Kaax Taat
You could get one in The Lost Valley of the Carnosaurs special list, the best my google fu could come up with is this: For those not familiar with the Coatl, in a nutshell he's got: 3+ ward, crap combat stats (t4,1 s3 attack,etc.), -1 to hit from shooting, level 4 spell caster, flies, large target, terror, know spell that moves d6 terrain pieces d6" on a 6+. Auto casts the spell before the game starts.. Also 440 pts. Found in the US Chronicles 2004. The rest of the list was all the beasts of the lizardmen without skink and saurus and some new big beasts. Real sucky leadership but you rolled 4d6 cold blooded on your own table half or something.
That is interesting. That combined with beasts lore (the spell that causes dangerous terrain tests to fail on 1 and 2) would be amazing.