Ok I hate the current cold ones. The dark elf ones are alright but I find they are still way to small to have a big saurus on top. I was thinking of taking something like a lion or tiger and making it reptilian. Adding scales making the tail larger lizard head etc. But I'm having trouble finding a decent model to start with, I considered sculpting it from scratch but my skills are non existent. I also considered converting the dragon ogre lower bodies but I don't know how big they are. Any thoughts or recommendations would be appreciated
I don't think that Dragon ogres would work simply due to shape. Try looking for dinosaur models. Probably find cheaper than gw ones to fit your role.
Hello! I made 2 conversions as old blood cowboys. One mount is this: http://gamezoneminiatures.de/dunkelelfen/kavallerie/dunkler-ritter-auf-reitechse-ii.html The other: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Elf-Sorceress-on-Battle-Lizard-NEU-/321575494427 Looking forward to see your conversions!
I myself am currently working on a model using one of the gamezoneminiatures cold ones. Gorgeous model except for one problem....horrendous mold lines than leave large gaps and many hours of green stuffing scales. They are a perfect size for our large riders though.