8th Ed. cold ones good or not?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Bearded_Dragon, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Bearded_Dragon

    Bearded_Dragon New Member

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    The cold ones have a 2+AS right? i have been reading a few pages and people have been saying that heavy armour (thick skinned) causes the cav not to be able to march. all i can find in the BRB about that is heavy armour takes 1" off your base movement?

    and the main question: are cold one cav really that bad in 8th edition. i dont seem to see many people include them in army lists? whats so bad about 2+ armour save S5 (on the charge) 2A each cav. apart from the expensive 35pts/model?? and if you give them the razor banner, that sounds like a stong fast hitting unit to me? i am looking at using 3x 5 units (only 1 unit can take the R.banner of cause) in a 2000pts battle coming up against a friend??

  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Heavy armor doesn't take off marching but you are right in that it reduces the movement. Luckily, our Cold Ones don't have armor or barding at all, it's their thick skin that protects them and the rider, and thus their movement is unaffected. There has been some talk in the forums just lately about the usability of Cold One Cavalry, you should be easily able to find a couple of topics. Personally, I like the models and wield them whenever I can, but they sure are expensive for what they do and, in the end, how easily they die. Good luck with your multiple CoC units!

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