Hi there, After many years of 40k I've finally found the right time to dip my toes back into the realms of Warhammer again - what with AoS and the Rise of Legends campaigns. So I decided to dig out my old Lizardmen and march my army forth from the jungles of Lustria. The only problem is that none of them are painted! I do like the vanilla colour schemes of our beloved lizards, but wanted to use a more vibrant and/or alternative colour scheme. So this thread is an ideas page for anyone wanting a slightly different colour scheme. I want to build a pool of sources that everyone can use for inspiration (not just myself). Therefore if you guys and gals have any cool colour schemes, colour ideas, or any images that inspired you I'd love to see what got your creative juices flowing
After a bit of research on real life reptile markings here are a couple of cool ones I've found. What do you think?
Maybe this could help too: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ideas-to-paint-schemes.15585/ It's always good with more inspiration