8th Ed. combat VS khemri @2500 pts.

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by hado75, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. hado75

    hado75 New Member

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    It's been a long LONG time that i played a 2500 pts battle. But it's good 2B Back!

    @ first...My list:
    - cogitation
    - ruminition
    - mystery
    - bsb
    - Banner of discipline

    Skink Priest
    - lvl 1
    - engine of the Gods
    - diadem of power --> i'm not to happy with that one :(

    2 x 26 SW
    - Full Command
    - Handweapon/shield

    20 x TG
    - Full Command
    - Iron curse icon
    - Warbanner

    2 x 5 chameleon skinks

    1 x 1 sallie
    1 x 2 sallie
    ancient stegadon.

    His List:

    Tomb King
    - Chariot, Sword of Bloodshed, Armour of Fortune, Dragonbane Gem

    Tomb Herald
    - Spear, Shield, Chariot, BSB, botul.

    Liche Priest
    - Lv 2 Dispell Scroll, Hierophant


    6 Chariots, Full command
    - Banner of the Eternal Flame

    3* 10 Archers

    5 horse archers

    3 Carrion

    3 Necroknights
    - Full command

    3 Stalkers

    2* Tomb Scorpion


    - GW

    Casket of Souls

    During deployment he placed al his archers in a way that my cham skinks could not be placed within his depleyment zone.

    From left to right from my point of view:

    casket of souls sphinx
    chariots archers archers necroknights giant carrion archers

    horse archers
    cham skinks 1
    cham skinks 2

    sallie SW TG EOTG Steg SW 2 sallie

    Turn 1:
    His knights charched my cham skinks 1 and recieved a stand and shoot from them as welcome.
    sad to say they forgot to dip there tips in poison :(. The rest moved a little forward, so they had some nice starting positions for my turn.

    Magic did nothing. His casket went of every round (it was fine by me) but against LD 10 coldblooded he did a woppin' 2 wounds the entire game!

    Combat saw my cham skinks bite the dust......what a surprise.....

    my turn:
    both stegs charged into his knights. the rest moved forward waiting for what was to come.
    Magic was nice....nothing spectacular. (eotg did some early wounds on the knights)

    Combat: my stegs ate his knights for breakfast and chose to reform. In anticipation of the comming charged from the skink and the giant......

    His turn 2:
    Chariots charged my lone sallie. It just stood there. ready to die for the greater good....
    His sphinx dove on the engine and his giant charged my other steg....They welcomed his arrival with poison dipped darts. Just one short of "die charging".
    He popped his stalkers behind my TG. And tried for the 2 scorpions. but they stayed under ground.
    Magic was....nothing! My toad owned the magic phase!

    Shooting: Damn that stalker gaze is nasssssssssttttttyyyyy. he rolled good (10,8 and 6) and killed 10(!) TG in one swoop.....Holy shiiiii.......The rest of the army was trying to deminish those numbers as wel. But T4 is still prety decent :)

    Needless to say the sallie died..... The BIG combats in the middle were nice! My skinks attacked the giant AND delivered him his final wound.
    The other combat went on and there my skinks also delivered 2 (!!!) wounds on the sphinx. (we al know that skinks are well Known as combat monsters)

    My turn 2:
    My stegadon charged in on the sphinx to help his "little" buddy out.
    I turned my left SW blok to welcome the charge of his chariots. and moved the other block in line to crack the sphinx if needed after this round. My sallies deceided that it was time to move to the stalkers and burn them to a crisp....
    Magic: throne of vines was up! i decided to give my left SW block +4T and rolled with the rest of my dies. But did not have 2 6's. So he scrolled it. (ayyyyy)

    Shooting saw nothing that spectacular.
    Combat: in the centre those big monsters were biting and kicking each other. but no wound were made on both sides.

    His Turn 3:
    His chariots charged my left SW block....(that one will hurt!)
    He placed his carrions in fron of my other SW block so i could not charge his sphinx in the flank.

    Magic was uneventfull, as was his shooting. (Stalkers managed to sneak in 1 extra dead TG but with the regen-save up from last round.....nothing to worry)

    His chariots did 14 wounds in total on my SW, but when it was time to strike back, the SW hit him hard! and with enough wounds in return they maintained "stubborn" (re-rollable LD 10...no freaking problem!)

    My turn 3.
    Was the beginning of the end for my opponent.....
    His carrions died (eotg), his sphinx died and the rest of the game i managed to give my left SW block +2 or +4 so they grinded down his chariots.

    The rest of the game saw my stegadons mopping up the floor.....
    @ the end of his turn 6 we called it quit.....

    All he had left was:
    his king (who was standing against my SW block and the EOTG),
    13 archers and his casket of souls.

    I lost:
    2 x 5 chameleon skinks
    1 sallie

    Win for the lizzies!

    the toad: a great caster! he ruled the magic phase. (Lore of life is rockhard!)
    2 stegs: with lore of life they have to be killed in one round or healing is to strong for most opponents.


    sallies: They did not much this game. causing a whoppin 3 wounds or something.....mehhh

    So that was my first 2500 pts game. hope you liked the read....
    If you have any pointers of questions...fire away.
    (My other opponent plays Ogre kingdom....tips are always welcome!)
  2. ForgottenKnight2001

    ForgottenKnight2001 New Member

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    Glad to see people back in the Lizardmen camp.

    Lore of life is good, but lore of light really shines (pardon the pun) against undead. Lore of shadow will wreck most undead too. You get dwellers from life, but the extra damage from light works great against big monsters and smaller units (i.e. chariots).

    If you're mixing your opponents, sallies usually do good against single wound infantry, but razordons will do better against Ogres. Might be worth keeping that 2-sallie unit, and 1 razordon.

    If your chameleons are in danger of being charged turn 1, I'd personally deploy them elsewhere or even in your own deployment zone. They're a little expensive for a distraction, but they can be good if they remember their poison!
  3. MasterSlann
    Cold One

    MasterSlann New Member

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    its great to see stegadons getting their points worth! My regular opponents have cannons in their lists which discourages me from taking them anymore( i've learned my lesson a few times). Great report though, Go Lizzies!!!

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