8th Ed. Combos with magic

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by DragonMage, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. DragonMage
    Jungle Swarm

    DragonMage New Member

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    I have played dwarfs for several months now and have never really used any magic. Now that i have started lizardmen that have some the most powerful magic in the game, i am feeling quite overwhelmed!

    Please leave any comments\ideas\suggestions on slann and skink magic. tell me about your favorite lore and the best magic combos. Tell me how to handle your slann in close combat. I appreciate any feedback thx!
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I don't remember names off the top of my head... But two slann abilites work very very well in combo. The loremaster one so you get all spells from a list, and the one that gives a free power dice for each spell attempt. You are going to throw out a LOT of spells and it will be very hard for your opponent to stop your magic.

    The two best lores to use for a slann are life and light. I'm playing around with light at the moment and I personally think it is better than life, but life is generally seen as the stronger one. If you take light, you should also take cupped hands of the old ones for a bit of miscast protection. If you take life, just use throne of vines for that.

    Skink priests... Well, they are basically worthless when you are rolling a slann around. Why waste dice on a priest when you can get free dice casting from the slann? It is useful to have a raw, cheap skink to potentially channel magic missiles from the slann, to hold a dispel scroll, and to occasionally drop iceshard blizzard, usually on earlier turns to protect a bit from shooting and/or to reduce Ld for your salamanders.

    As to the slann in combat, not a problem if he is with a unit of TG. They will protect him. If he is on his own, basically keep him well away from combat. Still, 5 wounds and a 4+ ward is fair decent, should be time to bring him some support if you do find him compromised.
  3. troubled_joe

    troubled_joe Member

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    Or if he's on his own you could make the Slann ethereal and give him the stubborn crown, then you don't have to worry about (most) combats and (most) shooting.
  4. brokbrok
    Cold One

    brokbrok New Member

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    I've only played a few games, but my skink priest on an engine of the gods has far and away surpassed the slann in terms of making up his points. Granted, the slann has life for survivability, but the single chain lighting and single comet that I got off with the skink ended up devastating the opposition. Chain lightning hitting a hero is amazing.
  5. DragonMage
    Jungle Swarm

    DragonMage New Member

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    Thanks for the help, i have a game this saturday and i will be testing some of the ideas out.
  6. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    This biggest maker or breaker for player new to magic is IMO knowing when to throw all your dice.

    For example: If you roll a 4 and a 1 on the Winds of Magic Roll and your dudes are in combat everywhere, don't meddle around with small spells. Chuck 6 Dice at the Area of Effect Speed of Light!

    Of course sometimes its more complicated (especially if the opponent has lost his wizard) and you'll want to force through Speed of Light AND Pha's Protection/Timewarp on to the same combats, but you have to feel this in the moment.
  7. Prometeo

    Prometeo New Member

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    I have tryied this combo, it's funny (but not a must nor pro), usefull most of all against strong magic defense.
    You need 2 wizards (level doesn't matter):

    1) Forbidden Rod + Opal Amulet

    2) Trickster's Shard + Bane Head

    You can oblied your opponent to dispel a lot of spells to suffer wounds (chose the higher level wizard of the enemy army to your bane head; he will die dispellin or will let you free to cast); if you use even feedback sroll or cupped hands for enemy will be even more dangerous (more wounds coming even casting)

    I use it in 1.500 points battle with 3 skinks priests, nothing special but funny.

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