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Coming back to WHFB

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by blackrainbow, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow Member

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    Hello everyone, enjoying a slow return to fantasy after a bit of a 40k reprieve. I started with goblins (no orcs!) many moons ago, and as the tides shifted in favor of continuing to play put me in the 40k realm, so to have the tides now shifted back towards fantasy. While I still have my old green skins, I've been looking hard at both Tomb Kings and, um more green (and red and blue and brown) skins that are the Lizards.

    My primary FLGS closed and in that sale I picked up some cool models, both TK and Lizards. I've always heavily enjoyed just collecting as part of the hobby, so if either (or neither) collection go anywhere, I'll still have some great models to paint. I made another thread with the list of lizards and how to build up that army should it go that way, which I think it will. I really enjoy the fluff and backstory aspects thus far.

    So, that's about it. Hello to all /WAVE
  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Welcome to the jungle! I really like the collecting aspect of the hobby too, as well as playing games. Lizardmen have some great fluff and some cool models. I am looking forward to collecting more and building my army. See ya around the forums!
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum!

    Collectors are always welcome and we look forward to see your work in the painting forum.

    For game play advice I'd try the Tactica Index first.

    Don't be afraid to ask any questions about tactics, painting techniques or whatever.

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