I am considering starting a new army, and looking for one that plays different from Seraphon so that I can enjoy the different tactics and play styles involved. currently looking at Fyreslayers. I figure Seraphon are pretty squishy, rely on synergy, are highly mobile, horde based and focus on the objective win. Fyreslayers appear to be seriously durable, not dependant on the unit synergy as much, have 4" of move across the board, only have one unit that wants a hordish build and that's only to 25, and seriously dish out combat damage and mortal wounds with the Magmadroth. any advice or tips? any suggestions for other armies that would allow me to experience playstyles different from Seraphon?
But why would you want anything other than Seraphon (cough cough... Lizardmen ). I guess you could try Monster mash with the lizards to make an army that is not horde based, like taking the thunderquake starhost. If you think horde is the issue, you might want to look at some elite armies so you have very few models, but ultimately I think it should come down to which faction has the models and lore you like the best. I can't really say anything more that that as I do not actively play AOS.
Beastclaw Raiders are pretty much the opposite of us. They are super elite, can't reliably win objectives, and pretty much only play by face smashing the opponent with nearly unavoidable mortal wounds. They are, however, bad in this edition.
Horde-ness isn't an issue... im just looking to experience different play styles available in a game I enjoy although it is a lot less painting....
Beasts of chaos are my second army (mostly because I can convert some pretty hellish looking models) but their play style is nice - though I’d say fairly similar to the lizards (in a strange way) Lots of unit synergy which I love, but a solid choice in units you can field (there isn’t really an option that doesn’t have a good use) most have serious kick, maybe a tad flimsy in places but abilities to ambush, spawn more and bump damage to crazy highs is always fun (like I said just like the lizards - except hairy) I’d say the small bearded fellows would certainly be a different syle of play, less models, less single model/unit threats and a lot less spells, makes for an entirely different style indeed. They do look good though and for me that counts a lot
If you don't mind a challenge: Beastclaw Raiders are really different. Same goes for Ironjawz. You could play Gore-Grunta heavy or Brute-heavy, with a Megaboss or Megaboss on Maw-Krusha as centerpiece. Other than that.... SCE can also build fairly elite heavy lists. I am not a big fan of them myself but they do provide you with a broad spectrum of play styles. A Troggoth list using the new Grot battletome might also work. Or a Beasts of Chaos list with a Doombull as general, which allows using Bullgors as battleline.
Idoneth deepkin is another elite army Or certain Death lists, based on cavalry that delivers the real punch
Only if you plan to buy real ones for tournaments. In friendly games I suppose you can run Black Knights as if they were the Blood version
I had thought of that, but we already have 4 death players in my LGS, same for the Idoneth.. we have 3 of those. I personally love dinosaurs which is what first drew me to the Seraphon, but I also like to run things that are less mainstream in my local META... I think the variety makes for fun even if they aren't top tier competitive wise.
You could also just go a full combat based army. Anything chaos would pretty much do the trick. Tzeentch and Nurgle are the best of the chaos armies atm. If you really want to focus on the combat side, but still want to be competitive then I would go with Maggotkin. Perhaps even Everchosen!
then maybe Beastclaw Raiders is really an option. few big mammoths and mournfang cavs that deal damage and draw fire / attention, while you use small and fast things (sabertigers and their support hero) for objectives grabbing. The bad part is: in the long run, they tend be a boring army with few options.
Well, the army with the most options is SCE. You could also play Slaves to Darkness. They can be quite varied. Especially if you add in some of the Mortal Heroes from other dedicated Chaos Factions. S2D is almost entirely combat oriented with some minor mid-range missile weapons. They are a lower tier army though.