8th Ed. Considering starting lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by gilljoy, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. gilljoy
    Jungle Swarm

    gilljoy New Member

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    Hey all,

    I'm considering starting a lizardmen army because I'm not enjoying playing my vampire counts army atm ( 1000pts getting wooped all the time). I was also considering starting an empire army but with all the nerfs and points increases all around I'm thinking of going back to the army I was initially thinking of playing when I started warhammer.

    So I'm just looking for some advice.
    1. how are lizards in 8th?
    2. How are lizards at low points levels?
    3. Is the battleforce a good purchase or not? Would I be better just buying the stuff individually?
    4. Any good tutorials on painting that lovely bluey / green skin tone?

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hey gilljoy, welcome to Lustria Online!

    1. LM are one of the most powerful armies in 8th edition. All round pretty much everything in the list is worth taking. At the same time, a list with a Slann is really powerful but if you play less competitively, leave him at home and you will enjoy a more relaxed and balanced game.

    2. Well, not as good since troops are fairly expensive and you can't get a Slann in. Still, salamanders are great in all games, there shouldn't be as much able to stand up to saurus, and skink poison is alwas handy.

    3. Sort of. Essentially, you get the cold ones for free if you look at the cost of buying the battalion versus everything seperately. Cold ones are pretty crap both in models and rules so no real gain. However, the bits that come with them are handy for scratch building characters or unit champions, and some people still get use out of them.

    4. Used to be on the GW website, but since they are now selling a painting guide book they pulled all the articles down.. There are probably old White Dwarfs with tutorials if you can track them down, or the army book probably has a very basic outline. Paint names have all changed now though so you might have to just experiment.

    Hopefully that helps, feel free to ask anything else if you need to!
  3. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Is this something your local group plays? As playing such low point levels really hurts some armies. Most games of wfb are played at a 2000-2500pt range.

    1, LM are pretty good in 8th, saurus and temple guard are great in horde formation and slann are very, very good. Most use the lore of life as it really helps with a point denial list using the units mentioned, although light is fantastic with LM. Sadly not all units are worth taking, none of the SC are priced right, kroxigor are a bit timid and cold ones are not really worth taking. Lizard armies can end up look a bit the same.
    2, If i was playing LM in low point games i would take an all skirmisher list, very annoying to fight against.
    3, I you buy the battleforce i would keep two coldones for two mounted scar vets and then sell the rest.
    4, Google, warseer and dakka are your friend.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Well... I have to disagree. Krox in Skink Cohorts are awesome if used correctly. They are tarpits that can dish out some real hefty damage. And Cold One Cavalry really just needs to be treated like any other Cavalry unit. If you use magical support or throw a Scar-Vet in their midst, they turn into really terrifying thing to fight.

    Both Krox and CoC are excellent flanking/supporting units. Their survivability is the only downfall, being as expensive as they are and how small their units will be.

    For competitive purposes, yeah. I agree with that. Slann with beefy Saurus blocks and Salamanders is pretty standard. Keep in mind that there are tons of different lists to make! Say...

    2x5 CoC
    2x24 Skinks w/3 Krox
    Skink Priest w/ PoT

    1,000 pts!

    Could be fun too, lol. Part of playing Warhammer (for me, anyhow) is trying out new tactics and different units. As you begin to run different variations of your army, you begin to understand the weaknesses and strengths of your units. Who needs support? Who is your Deathstar? What p**ses everyone off? How awesome is a zombie skink tarpit? (You guy's should try the last one. Quite fun until your Slann explodes.)
  5. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Korxigor units and skrox units are completely different things. Krox on their own are a waste of points, skrox are good and can be great with light magic, even though slightly overcosted. Cold one cav is another point sink, there really is no point in adding a scar vet to make the unit 'work', you might aswel take the scarvet on his own (mounted) to run about smashing units and save a shed load of points.

    That list could be fun.

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