Well lately ive been thinking on how to save myself a little bit of money and got thinking how could i make some sallies also a cheap way to make a steggy then i thought howabout the 5th ed dark elf cold ones (the kinda fattish looking dino's) with a bit of green stuff they should look a lil half decent and with the steggy i got from a bootfair a hard plastic triceratops, thats now been convert with a howdah on the back anyways started on making them up and when im finished i'll proberly post up some pics thnx JJ
The Stegadon can definitely be done, i've already seen pretty good ones. One had a howdah made of ice cream wood sticks ^^ It is just not easy to find a stegadon that is similar in size to GW ones. I am curious about the salamanders. I am looking forward to see some photos.
Yeah I have seen a few cool ones, but really the new plastic stegadon is very resonably priced for such a big thing considering you also get two hero choice skinks with it and the three different options, plus it looks really really cool so I think I will just buy it. Not sure what you mean about the sallies, I will wait to see pictures.
do you get both the skink heros and all three options whit the new steggi!? :O that's sick. well, i'm looking forward to see those conversions. A triceratops whit a icecream boat howdah.
I haven't seen the sprue yet so I can't say 100%.... But there was one at my local GW and the staff told me, plus the pdf report on lizardmen detailing the changes and new models for sellers stated that the stegadon kit contained both skink heroes in plastic for the first time, so for the first time an all lizardman plastic army is possible. Definitely looks like it is true, and it weill at least include a priest for the engine, I believe it would contain the chief as well since he can have a steg. And it obviously contains all three options (bolt, blowpipes and engine), I don't quite see how a giant blowpipe would physically work so probably won't want one but jeez it is powerful.
Well tbh i had to make up a base out of card but the group i game with don't mind what size the models is(the bigger the better xD ) we got one guy who made a giant out of clay and it was MASSIVE about 13 inches tall
As long as everybody is happy, there shouldn't be a problem, but for tournaments you would probably have to go with original size bases.
I believe if you sculpt your own its ok, you just can't use anu other companies models. Aka Reaper ect, althought I could be wrong, but as before check with your local GW beforehand.
Yep i proberly will do could i please get the measurements for the size of the steggies base? thanx JJ
It depends on the orga of the tournament what models you can use some (especially the tournaments that are held by GW) only allow gw models used as what they are meant to be (so no CO as Sallies here). Some other tournaments will allow most models as long as the sizes of the bases and the miniatures fit. of course you have to tell your opponents what conversions are meant to be. I dont have the measurements for the steggies base right now (i even play mine withaot a base in friendly games) but i believe it is four times the cold one (cavalary)base.
GW allows Green stuff models. the stregi parts are listed in white dwarf are alot of them. so i think i will be building a EOTG with new model and with the extra skink i have and chief that i will never use. i will be creating a stregi with giant bow and bits you get u will nice looking stregi. the problem is the size, so go to toy shop scout out a great looking model for cheap price. if not i will buy GW model.
Cool thanx everyone, now im off to make a base also gonna talk to my club manager/head guy to see what the tourny rules are for them more pics soon J.J